First Kiss part 3

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This is the second time you've ran into the trickster, you were almost positive you killed him the first time you encountered him. "How did you-?" You cut yourself off. "Hello! Trickster!" He says, pointing to himself. "No... I don't think so." You say as you take out the angel blade your bother's (Dean) boyfriend gave you (A/N YES I SHIP DESTIEL!!) He stares at the silver blade. "Wow you Winchesters need to step up your game." He says as he gets closer to you. You attempt to stab the trickster but he grabs your hand, staring deep into your eyes. After a few moments of awkwardness he leans in and kisses you. You quickly pull away, prepared to stab him but in the blink of an eye he's gone.

Ayyyye! This was long over due but I finally got around to writing it, sorry it sucked but it's better than nothing! 🙈🤓

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