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You walk into your 12th grade class on a cold November day, you moved over to your desk and set down stuff down on your desk, you look up to see a boy... Wait it's not any boy my god it's Eric Cartman you are slightly scared how tall he's grown.

"Um me and Kyle, Kenny, and Stan are camping out in Yellow Stone, wanna come?"

"Oh" you said in a shaky voice "I would love to." you say smile with grace. Inside you were scared out of your mind. You liked this boy a lot and you didn't want to screw up.

"Cool I'll pick you up on Saturday... bring a tent."

You smiled and went back getting your morning binders out.

The rest of the day flew bye, soon it was 2:30 the time when you get out of school. You hurried out into the high schools parking lot and got your car you then went to Dick's sporting goods. You spend about 300$ on a 3 person tent and other camping stuff . then you spent 100$ dollars on food.

When you got home you found out that your mom and dad (or whatever you have) had go to Orlando because some one had died. They called later that night and said they wouldn't be home for a week.

You glance at the clock and say that it was 9pm time for bed...

Cartman X Reader*** CampingOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant