A New Start

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(A year later) With my back against a tree I take a deep breathe. The woods were oddly peaceful this morning. I rummaged around in my bag and found my knife, just in case. It had been a year since I left them, Annika and her parents. It wasn't anything personal but I just felt like I needed to be on my own now. I took a little supplies and then ran off into the woods. It was in the middle of the night so they didn't even know I left. Leaving the safety and protection of others has changed me a lot. I used to be the girl with a new pair of ballet flats or heels every week, instead I had on black combat boots. I used to wear dresses, now I wear skinny jeans a t-shirt, and leather jacket. My hair which was always curled now lays in a braid down my back. I was kind of pulling a Katniss Everdeen with a mix of Hermione Granger in the last Harry Potter movie. Gosh I missed just being able to watch movies. I missed all that stuff, I kind of wondered what happened to all the celebrities in this world now. Did they all turn into, as we call them, walkers or did they find safety. Either way I was curious. I heard a loud moan and turned around in time to see a Walker coming straight for me. It was a man, well it used to be anyways. I didn't hesitate stabbing it into the head with my knife. That was another new addition to me, I never would hurt a fly once in my life, now I kill like its the easiest thing out there. I heard more moans noticing the Walker I had just killed brought friends with him. Around ten were waddling towards me. I picked up my backpack and began to sprint.

I ran for what seemed like an hour. I got used to a lot more running as I got more and more used to what the world had become. I stopped to breathe when I came to a clearing. Taking in deep breathes as my heart hammered against my chest I looked up to see a large building. It was surrounded by fences and looked to be a prison. I stumbled closer to get a better view. As I moved I felt a hand grab my ankle. I let out a small scream of surprise and looked down to see a large Walker holding onto me. This Walker was buff. I fumbled in my pocket for my knife as I tried to shake him off my leg. It groaned louder opening it's mouth to bite into my flesh when all of a sudden, it's head exploded. A bullet had gone straight into its head causing it to fall limp. I shook myself out of its grasp, backing away from it. "You're welcome" I hear an almost annoyed tone say. I warily glanced up at my savior. The boy looked to be around my age. He had shaggy brown hair which was covering a part of his eyes. A sheriff hat lay upon his head and a bit of dirt on his cheek. He had a gun in his hand and a serious expression among his face. "Thanks" I say suspicously. I hadn't really had much conversation with people in a while so I didn't really know how to act. "I'm Carl" he said introducing himself as he put his gun back into his belt. "Tali" I say as I shake his hand. "So who're ya with?" he asks me. I look around "Um..nobody" I answer. He furrows his brow in confusion. "Wait, so you're on your own?" he asks me. I silently nod. His eyes remain locked on mine for a moment until he speaks. "Come with me" he says. I nod and walk along side him down the hill.

We find our way out of the woods and he leads me to a metal gate. "If any Walkers come over here, kill'em" he tells me as he pulls out a ring of keys. I nod and turn to keep guard. An lady walker took notice in us and came stumbling over. She had a maniac like smile painted amongst her face. I took out my knife and took a running start at her. She growled loudly as I approach but it instantly stopped once I plunged my knife deep into her eye socket. Her body fell limp and I yanked out my knife. "C'mon I got the door unlocked!" Carl called. I turned back and ran to the gate. Once inside he locked it again. He led me to another gate and then unlocked that one. After we got through all the gates a voice called "Carl!" We both turned and a young man came jogging over to us. He was dressed in a sheriff uniform, but was missing the hat. He looked friendly but at the same time angry. He slowed down as he approached us. "Carl, who's this?" he asks. With an annoyed expression Carl says "This is Tali, She was in the woods all by herself, I figured we could take her in." His father turned to me "You're all alone?" he asks. I give a silent nod. He sighs before saying "She can stay." "Thank you" I say with a small smile. He slightly returns it before saying "I'm Rick by the way." "I'm Natalia, but call me Tali" I say shaking his hand. Rick went back to his lookout station and Carl led me to a door. "You ready to meet the rest of the gang?" he asks. "I don't know, I'm not really dressed for meeting new people" I joke examining my outfit. Carl let out a small laugh. That was the first time I had actually seen him with some kind of emotion.

Carl led the way into the room. The door clanged shut behind me as I followed Carl into a big common room type place. In the room four other people were found. A girl who looked a bit older than me, an old man who I observed was missing a leg, and a middle aged lady with short hair holding a baby. "Who's this?" The middle aged woman asks Carl. Before Carl can speak I interrupt. "I'm Natalia, but you can call me Tali" I say with a smile. The lady smiled at me coming over to shake my hand. "I'm Carol and this" she referred to the baby who had a mere smile on it's face "Is Judith." I didn't actually think I would ever see a baby again, after this whole outbreak I didn't really think people had time for that stuff. "She's so sweet" I say with a small as she grasps my finger "Is she yours?" Carol smiled sadly "No, this is Carl's sister and Rick's daughter." I just continued smiling, not bothering to ask about the mother. I would most likely learn sooner or later. "I'm Hershel" the elderly man says using his crutches to come over to me followed close behind by the blonde girl. "And I'm Beth, Hershel's daughter" she said in elegant voice. I smiled and shook both there hands. "This is only half of us" Hershel said as he took a seat at one of the tables "The others are out hunting."

"Beth, I belive you and Tali could share a cell" Hershel said taking a sip of water. Beth smiled at me "Sure, I've been lonely anyways!" I let out a small laugh as she led me into the room full of cells. She led me up the stairs into one of the first cells. "This is mine" she introduced. The cell was small, but quaint. Beth had neatly arranged her belongings throughout the room and had some pictures of her family on the wall. Not with tape, but with tacks. I set my sleeping bag down on the bottom bunk with my backpack. "It's not much but it's safe" she assured me. I nodded "It's a whole lot safer than where I've been sleeping" I commented. Beth sat down on my bed next to me. "Where have you been staying?" she asks curiously. I scoff "More like where haven't I stayed. I've slept in trees, caves, tunnels, old shacks, houses, any place I could sleep for a bit without dying." She gave me a sympathetic look "Why were you on your own?" she asks. I explained to her everything about Annika and her family, even about Daryl, but I didn't mention his name. When I finished telling my story about Daryl, I felt tears forming in my eyes. I blinked them away but Beth patted my back. "You don't know for sure he's dead though" she says "He could still be out there." I nod "Yeah but really, who's still out there anymore." She opened her mouth to say something but was interrupted by Carols voice. "Hey girls, come on down we've got to introduce our new comer to the rest of the gang.

We walked down the stairs together, entering the room which now smelled of food. Three new faces had joined the crowd of people. The first to come over was a brunette with short hair and a cheery smile. "Hey, I'm Maggie" she cheerfully said shaking my hand "And this is Michonne and my fiance Glenn." I smiled at the both of them. Michonne nodded in welcoming and Glenn cheerfully waved. "I'm Tali" I introduced. "Well who's ready to eat?" Carol asks everyone. The door to the room opened again letting in a stream of sunlight from the setting sun as another man came in. The sun blinded my eyes so I couldn't see him until he fully entered the room. Instantly my jaw dropped. "Man, you'd think those Walkers would all get annoyed of trying to get in here but they just keep at it" he groaned setting his crossbow down. My eyes didn't move from him as he walked around the room. "I mean if you think ab-" his speech was cut off as his eyes met mine. Silence filled the room as we stared at eachother. Then he broke the gaze by dropping the weapon he was holding and racing over to me. I jumped into his arms as he wrapped his muscualar arms around me. I felt tears coming out of my eyes as I murmured out the word "Daryl."

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