Oh how quickly things can change

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Two months I had been here. In the safety of the prison, I was reunited with my brother, I had made great friendships, and most of all I was becoming happy again. Months on end in the woods really destroy the brightness of one girl, especially if you're all alone. I mean the things you can come across are life changing. Suicides in all different ways, dead animals that were once considered pets, and the worst is seeing some people you once knew- gone. Turned into what we call walkers. The lifeless, stumbling creature that has no sign of that old being at all, except a tarnished appearance. It destroyed me as a person. I was in a dark place, alone, even suicidal towards the end. But something inside screamed at me to keep fighting. So I did and now here I was. The prison. A new home.

Though the conflict between the prison and other groups were a high threat,it was handled well and we were through it all. Well at least I had thought. I thought we were safe, I thought all was well, until this night. The night I was violently jolted awake by Beth shaking my arm,and shouting my name repeatedly. "What?" I grumble out,rolling myself over to face her as my vision cleared. It's hard to make anything out in the dark of night, but I could see Beth's already fearful face in plain view. Though my attention was averted from her, to the front of our cell in just a brief second. I heard amass amount of shouting, flashlights shining in chaotic matters, and more importantly gun shots. A series of them going off, almost sounding like a hard rainfall. If I had closed my eyes I might've been able to imagine that. But instead I had to refocus my attention on the here and now.

"We've got to get going, Maggie is packing up what she can- but it's not good Tali" she informs me, as she pulls on my arm to get me out of bed. I hurriedly pull on my jeans, knowing I might as well need pants for whatever was going on.

"We're being overrun, the Governor found a new crew and they're better and stronger this time. Hell they've even got a tank, so we've got to hurry Tal" she urges me forward as she rushes around, throwing what little items we possessed into a single bag.

"We aren't going to fight back?" I question, I mean I knew this place liked to do the whole- save the ladies and children first thing. ButI was no damn kid, and I sure as hell didn't always act like a lady.So why I was being patronized into running away I wasn't sure.

"Tal it's horrendous out there" she sighs, slinging the bag over her shoulder, "They want us gone; Daryl requested it."

My eyes roll back into my head as I now understand why I was being singled out. My worried brother was in fear that I would end up dying; and we would lose each other in a way that couldn't be reunited easily. But if it was his wish, I would oblige, I mean Daryl was the only man I would actually listen to.

 "C'mon Tal" Beth says, snapping my vision away from the window, where a series of gunfire lit up the night. I follow after her down the stairs, which still seemed to be enemy free. But you could never be overly careful,so I kept my hand on the base of my gun just in case. Beth and I's footsteps would naturally echo throughout the room, but the overpowering war sounds canceled it out tonight.

When we finally reached the doorway of the prison, we opened it to findMaggie ducked behind the car and shooting off some offenders. When her attention noticed us, she nudged her head towards the car.

"Girls!Vehicle, now" she demands us, and both of us don't hesitate as we race over to the car. We easily get inside, but stay ducked down in the back, in fear of what might happen if a bullet came through the window shield.

The sounds were louder now that we were outside of the building,petrifying even. Beth was quietly spouting out a prayer, and I almost felt obliged to join. So I did as I always do, and reached up to grab at my cross necklace from my mother. But my fingers clung to nothing but my bare skin.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2016 ⏰

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