Next Stop ;

21 1 2

"LUKE WAKE UP!" I screamed from the bathroom as I applied light mascara to my eyes

"Whhhaaa-aaattt" he said throwing a pillow over his head

"GET READY!" I jumped out from the restroom in my bra and my panties

"Woah ? Sex ? Now ? Umm we kinda have to be somewhere in like 10 minutes ," he said taking off his shirt ," but if it's a quickie you want , it's a quickie you'll get ," he winked as he through his shirt on the lamp that was next to our bed

"Luke shut up ! I ironed your tux , its on then counter over there ," I pointed to the tux as I slipped into my dress Luke bought me

"Fine ," Luke sighed slipping on his tux


Luke walked me down the stairs in front of our hotel

"You look beautiful , as always my wife ," he gave me a kiss

"And you look - eh -, as always ," I joked kissing him back, he shot me a look," so anyway , were are you taking me?"

"We are going to eat,"

"Well obviously , but where ?" I shook my head at my

"My darling , Paris is a place of love,
The city love no ? Well trust and follow me !"

Luke carried me bridal style to a limo that was waiting in the front for us ," classy ," I said

"Travel in style or don't travel at all,"  Luke winked opening up the limo door for me

We arrived at our destination after about 5-10 minutes ,"the Eiffel Tower is so beautiful," I stated

"Isn't it ?" Luke said , "but of course , not as Beautiful as you ,"

I smiled at him as a fit , bald , tall French guy approached us ," Bienvenue, Monsieur et Madame Hemmings"

"Merci monsieur," he said grabbing my hand and kissing it gently

"Umm woah , what's happening here,"

"Nothing , sir , your beautiful wife just thanked me," he said , his English was a little shaky," you don't speak French , but your wife does ?"

"I think she's fluent ," Luke winked at me , remembering when him and the boys wrote the song "Good Girls" about me (A/N hahah I wish)

"Any who , are you ready for your lovely evening under the stars?"

"Of course we are," Luke said taking my hand as we followed the man up into the Eiffel Tower were we were seated looking over the city with stars above us

"Wow, Luke you've really out done yourself ," I said leaning over the table and kissing him passionately

"Only for the best," he said in between kisses with a smile

"Have you heard the story of Marie Antoinette and Louis xvi ?" Our waited said as he came
With out food

"No, i haven't , luke have you ?" Luke shook his head

"Well , I'll be honest with you , I hardly know it all I know is two young teenagers, Louis 15 and Marie 14 , got married during the French Revolution , so around the 1700s or so and they were both victims of the war, saying that they were not fit to rule so young , they were sentence to death , Execution that is , but what we didn't know is that they were madly in love, not even death could have separated them , and that's what is see when I look at you , Marie and Luke, two young people in love , and nothing can separate a love that's this deep ,"

"Thank you sir," Luke said with a kind smile as I nodded , the gentleman politely left

"This looks so yummy," I stated as I took a bite of my food , "mmmmmh, oh my gosh," I said stuffing my face again

"It can't be that good, let me have a taste ," Luke said reaching over to my food

I swatted his hand away ," no , my food ," I said with a mouth full

"Princess , please ?" Luke said with his big blue eyes piercing into my soul

"Okay," I gave in as he took some of my food

"Wow , this is magical," he said taking another bite

"Hey! Paws off mister ! You still have your
Food don't you ?" I laughed taking a bite of his , my face froze ," you wanna trade?" I spoke taking another bite of his food

"I'll be the judge of that," he said eating his ow food ," yeah mine is way better than yours , hear fun with that ," he said gobbling down his food

"Luke , what's our next stop ??" I said taking a sip of my drink

"Okay our next stop is ..."


Dae ;*

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2015 ⏰

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