The Eruption- Chapter 2

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                                                                                           Chapter 2

I was startled by a big, loud crashing noise the next morning. What the hell was that?! "Son, you're going to be late!" I heard my dad scream. I looked over at my alarm clock. Shit! School starts in 15 minutes! I jumped out of bed and throw on a shirt and some pants. At this point, I didn't even care about stairs. I took a huge leap down ten stairs and landed on the floor at the end of the stairway. Apparently, I still wasn't going fast enough for mom. "What are you... a SNAIL?! Let's go!" she shouted at me. I darted out the door and threw myself into the passenger seat of the van. Mom pulled it into reverse and floored it, making a bunch of tire smoke behind us. "You really need to set an alarm in the mornings." She said. "Yeah I know mom." I replied. We made it to the school with five minutes to spare. I proceeded to leave the van and grab all my things. "Listen, honey. I know moving away from Kansas is a big deal for you, but I know you will love it here. Things will get better." Mom said to me, quietly. I sighed and said "Yeah, I know mom." "Good, now go enjoy your first day of school. Meet some new people. Make friends." I got out of the van and walked up to the front entrance of the high school. It was definitely a lot smaller than Wichita High School. I hesitated to open the front door. C'mon, you can do this. Don't thing negatively. I opened the door and walked inside. Students were flooding the hallways. I looked at the clock. Only two minutes before first hour begins. I pulled out my new schedule and took a look at it. First hour was English class, Room 201. I had no clue where that was. Suddenly, the school bell rang for first hour, and all the students began scrambling around. I felt completely lost. I was standing in the middle of the hall of chaos, staring at my schedule. People were running into me from all directions. "Hey!" "Dude, watch where you're going!" "Move!" "Get out of my way!" various people shouted at me. "Excuse me!" I shouted "Can anybody help me?" Everyone just kept on walking by. Finally, someone stopped to help. "Are you new?" the guy asked. "Yes." I replied. "Do you know where you're going?" "Not really." "That's fine I can help you! What's your next class?" "English, Room 201." He gave me a smile. "That's my class too! Follow me!" We walked to the end of the hallway and then he pointed to the door. "Right here." He said. I followed him into the classroom. Everyone immediately turned to stare at me, the new kid in the class. The teacher stood up and smiled. "Alright, class! We do have a new student attending our school. Sir, would you mind introducing yourself?" she said. "Sure. Well, my name is Jacob and I just moved here yesterday." I said shyly. "Very nice. Where are you from, Jacob?" she asked. "Wichita, Kansas." "Ah yes, the Great Plains. It's a pleasure to have you here!" the teacher exclaimed. "Thank you." I replied. "You may sit wherever you would like." "Oh, he can sit by me." The guy said. I sat down next to him. "Oh, I'm sorry for not introducing myself earlier. My name is Edward. You can call me Ed." I shook his hand. "Thanks for helping me out." "Just a reminder, class, our field trip to Yellowstone National Park is tomorrow. All homework won't be due until next Monday." The teacher said. My eyes widened dramatically. Only two days here and I get to visit my favorite place ever! "Jacob, you don't need anything for tomorrow. The school has you covered to attend." The teacher went on "Remember, try to be early. We are leaving right at the start of first hour. You will get a group assigned to you in the morning.

I arrived back home after school and grabbed something to eat from the fridge. First day of school, not bad. Not bad at all! I did make one new friend... well sort of. Well, at least I get to visit Yellowstone tomorrow. Maybe it won't be so bad living up here after all.

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