The Eruption- Chapter 10

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                                                                                      Chapter 10

My family and I came over to the DeWitt house the following evening. I was super excited for my family to meet Aaron! It's unreal how people can go from being total strangers to possibly moving in with them. I surely hope we end up moving in. Allison and I could be together all the time.

"Is this the house?" Dad asked me as we pulled up in front of their country house. "Yes this is it." Aaron immediately came outside up to our van. Dad stepped out first, with the rest of us following. Aaron smiled. "Hi. My name is Aaron DeWitt." He shook my dad's hand. "I'm Mike and this is my wife, Laura." Mom shook Aaron's hand next. "And I'm Marvin!" my little brother jumped up suddenly. "It's lovely out here!" Mom said. "Why thank you! I've lived out here all my life pretty much. I love it out here." "Yeah, this is nothing like where we used to live in Kansas." Dad said. "I can imagine. Jake had mentioned you guys came up from... Wichita?" "Yes that is correct. We had to move because of some job adjustments." Dad replied. "Where's Allison?" I asked Aaron. "Oh, she's inside getting ready." Aaron chuckled, making quotation signs with his fingers. "Getting ready for what?" "To see you! She wanted to look extra nice, I guess. I think she likes you!" Aaron laughed. I tried to hide my tomato face at that moment. "How about we all go inside. Dinner is ready so we can all sit down and eat and get to know each other a bit more!" "Sounds like a plan!" Dad smiled. All of us entered the house. Ally immediately came running up to me. She instantly latched her arms around me. "Heeeeeey Jake!" she grinned. Her hair was completely down, straightened, and very shiny. She was also wearing a cute outfit. Aaron wasn't kidding when he said she was getting ready to see me. "Well hi there Ally! You look wonderful this evening!" I said. She didn't say anything back but giggled and kept smiling at me. "Alright you two love birds! Get in here!" Aaron exclaimed. We entered the kitchen. "Go ahead and find your seats. I'll bring everything out!" "Thanks Aaron." Dad said.

We sat down at the dinner table, me sitting next to Allison, of course. "I hope you guys like hamburgers and steak!" "Hamburgers?! Yes! Miiine!" Marvin shrieked. Aaron laughed and set plates around the table, placing the meat in the center of the table so we all could reach. He also brought out a wide variety of sides ranging from mashed potatoes to Mac N Cheese. "Wow, this is very nice! Thank you for being so kind to us, Mr. DeWitt!" My mom said. Aaron sat down and smiled, preparing his own plate as we had already fixed our own plates. "Oh, don't mention it." He gave us a wink. For a while, everyone was silent, stuffing our faces with the delicious steak Aaron prepared for us. Dad was the first one to break the silence. "So yesterday, my son informed me that you offered for us to stay here a while we find a place to live?" "Precisely." Aaron said. "And you are sure we wouldn't be a burden?" "Are you kidding me? I love company! And more importantly, I love helping people out when they are in need." My father chuckled a little bit. "That's pretty darn awesome of you to offer something like that to a family you aren't familiar with." My dad said. "Well... I already know you are some good people. I can see that through your son." Aaron said. A huge smile spread across Allison's face after he said that. "See look at that smile! Even my daughter knows he is a good kid! In fact, she might even like him." Aaron and my family laughed as Allison sank into her chair and hid her face. I could tell she was turning really red. "Oh, I know Jake like your daughter, you should have seen how much he talked about her the first day back from school!" Now it was my turn to hide my face. "Dumpster dumpster!" Marvin shouted, referring back to his comment he made a while back about Ally and I. Aaron laughed some more. "I think we got a little bit off track from what we were talking about." Aaron said. 'Yes indeed we did!" My dad said. "So what do you guys think? Are you in for it?" Aaron asked. My dad sat down his fork. "Is there enough room?" "Oh yes, plenty! There's more than enough." Dad turned to look at mom, and then at Marvin and I. "What do you think?" "I'm definitely in for it." I said. "Yeah me too!" Mom chimed in. Mom gave dad a nod and smiled. Dad turned back to Aaron. "If I say yes to your offer, I want you to know that we will make sure we are out of here ASAP." He said. Aaron laughed. "Don't worry about how long you are here! You can stay as long as you need it." Aaron said. "Alright... I guess that means we are in then!" My dad exclaimed.

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