Chapter 7

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"CC, come on man! The tour is in three days!" I explained through the phone to him. Okay for the past five days I've been trying to apologize to CC. About the little scene I gave out last week. On top of this, the Black Mass Tour is in three days. Also, we can't show up without a drummer.

"I already told you man. Don't be a jerk to her." CC told me reminding me about Maria. I rolled my eyes and sighed out.

"Listen, it won't happen again. Okay?" I said.

"Yeah right. Okay I'm back in the band, I'm not doing it for you. Remember that."

"Done." I quickly said.

"Alright." CC simply said before he hung up. I pressed end in my phone and slid it back in my back pocket. Fuck yes! CC's back! Now my only worry is the tour.


"Juliet! Have you seen my jacket?" I called out to her.

"No, I haven't seen it." She said. I rolled my eyes and just kept packing for the tour. Juliet is downstairs making junk food with Maria.


I know that I shouldn't be a jerk to her. I know. Maybe I should give her a chance. Yeah, I should. Maria is just a young girl. Her mother just died and I'm literally the only person for her.

When I go on tour, I'm taking Maria with me. I'll call this a little father-daughter-bonding-time. The badass way.

I smiled to myself as I zipped up my suitcase. But before we do the tour, the guys and I have to do a little interview. Just a little interview asking how did we get so far I guess. Hard work. That shit works.

I made my wag downstairs and saw Juliet and Maria.

"Well, I'll be back at around ten." I said before kissing Juliet and kissing Maria's forehead.

"Bye babe, don't drink!" Juliet warned me.

"I'll try." I chuckled to myself as i opened the door and letting myself out.

Maria's POV✨

He just kissed. In a loving way. Like a father does. I smiled to myself as my eyes started to water.

"Maria sweetie, do you want milk with your cookies?" Juliet asked me. I blinked my tears away and looked up at her.

"Uh, yeah!" I quickly said.

Juliet smiled to me and went to the fridge.

"I saw he kissed you."

"Huh?" I said before sitting myself on on of the barstools next to the island.

"Andy, he finally kissed you." Juliet said as she set the milk on the counter.

"Oh, yeah. Weird, I thought he didn't like me." I said truthfully.

"Andy is a nice guy," Juliet started "he's just a drama queen and doesn't want to admit it." I just stared at the white counter and nodded lightly. "But it's not your fault." Juliet whispered. "Tonight, is eat our deaths by brownies, what do you say?" Juliet smirked.

I smiled widely, "Of course."



sorry this took long, school is a bitch :-) whale, thats all.

~esmeralda ❤️

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