The Eleventh Doctor x Reader: Clever

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Another day in the TARDIS, another adventure. You've been traveling with the doctor for about 2 years now, or something like that. A true sense of earth time is lost while travelling with this amazing time lord, and although you don't really mind, it's a bit over whelming when you really think about it. You left without a word to your parents or friends, just because this man in a crazy blue box saved you from what you now know of as a dalek. With less than a moment of consideration, you found yourself exploring his magical machine. Over time, you learnt many things about all of time and space, even catching up to him with some of his explanations. Whether that be Raxacoricofallapatorius or Adipose-3, you probably know about it. Throughout the past week or so, the Doctor has been mentioning a planet where there are entirely sentient plants roaming freely. You've heard him mention it beforehand and refer to it as Tameriomn or something of the like, but never so frequently. Deciding to question the man, you venture out of the cozy library you were reading in to attempt to find the console room. After wandering for what you assume is an hour, the hallway ends and opens up to the sparkling console, and the madman prancing around, fiddling with different buttons and levers. Hearing your footsteps, he twists around to face you.
"Ah! Y/N! Just the human I was hoping for. I was just making us orbit around a SPECTACULAR dwarf star for a while until you finished your book. We're off to Tameriomn today and I'm very excited because did you know, the plants there-"
You cut him off, rolling your eyes
"Are completely sentient Doctor. I did know that actually. I came here to ask you a few questions before we head off."
"Oh right! Yes! The weather there-"
You cut him off again, stepping forward a bit
"Is a bit chilly and I'll need a 'jumper' as you call them. It's not acceptable to wear the colour orange and don't say the word 'shears'. I know that too Doctor. I know mostly everything about this planet, the climate, the population, what's okay and what isn't, what it looks like, all because you haven't stopped talking about it for the past week! Why is this planet so intensely important? Not that it isn't, every planet is, even Skaro though we both hate to admit it. Why do we need to go to this planet though?"
He removes his hand from the wibbly lever and fully faces you, his silvery green eyes dancing.
"I needed a challenge for you."
"A challenge? Bloody hell Doctor, are you wanting me to challenge death? Because I seriously feel like that's what you're telling me."
"Oh no Y/N! Not at all! This planet isn't supposed to kill you. I would never bring my precious companions anywhere near a planet that I knew would hurt them. NEVER. It's not a challenge for your physical self, but your mental self."
"So you want to see if I'll go insane there..?"
He smacks his hand against his forehead and mutters a quiet, 'ow' after doing so.
"No, I'm not taking us to a place where you'll lose your sanity. We're going there because this is also one of the most advanced planets in the universe Y/N. It's supposed to challenge your wits. Smarts. Whatever you'd prefer to call it. The truth is, no person that I've ever brought with me has ever absorbed as much of my crazy blabber as you have. Everyone just wants to go to different places, and explore. Nobody ever questions why the inhabitants have certain traditions, or how a planet or time came to be. You're curious, Y/N; and you're so very clever. I just want to see how much you can fit up in your little human mind of yours, and figure out what's really going on in there."
He lightly taps your temples and smiles at you. Without thinking, you reach up and hug him tightly, shoving your face into his shoulder to hide the tears forming in your eyes. Timidly, he returns the hug, drawing small circles on your back. His face is lined with worry and he holds you tighter.
"Y/N..? Did I say something wrong? Are you okay?"
He releases you and brushes a strand of H/C hair behind your ear, frowning at your now tear stained face.
"I'm fine, Doctor. You said just the right thing."
Arms still around his shoulders, you give him a quick peck on the cheek and a shaky smile. With a blush dusting his face, he nods his head slowly and returns your smile with happiness.

Extended Ending
You cough and speak up, breaking the silence which was lead by the TARDIS' quiet hums and whirs.
"Erm... Doctor?"
"Oh, yes Y/N?"
"Are we still going to Tameriomn?"
He bursts out in laughter and you soon join him. Between breaths, he talks.
"Of course we're still going! We better head off now though, they're expecting us!"
You watch him take off towards the console and follow suit, taking one of the levers you operate in your hand, still laughing. With a silent countdown, both of you push down your items and at the top of your lungs, the two of you yell.

The Eleventh Doctor x Reader: Clever (Doctor Who Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now