Part 2..

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The TARDIS wheezes and beeps as it comes to a stop on Tameriomn after a long trip. Looking quickly to the Doctor, you smirk, pushing your lever back into place before skipping over to him.
"Ah, my dear Y/N, are you ready for something WONDERFUL?"
He gives you a bright grin, hopping up and down with excitement for a new adventure. Giggling quietly you nod, linking your arm with his as the two of you stroll to the doors. Though being in such a happy situation, you can't help but have a bad feeling when you reach the exit.
"Now, I welcome you to Tameri-"
The time lord hastily cuts himself off, watching in slow motion while you open the wooden door, and a freezing gust of air whooshes through the opening. Thankful for your sweater, you take a hesitant step onto the lilac coloured snow.
"Doctor..? I thought Tameriomn was supposed to be a lush planet... Did the old girl take us somewhere else?"
You send a worried look towards the man, noticing the edges of his mouth curved up into a small smile. Frustration bubbles inside of you while you carefully tiptoe back to the box.
"You knew about this, didn't you? You lead me on for such a long time and for what? A practical joke...? What does this achieve Doctor? How does this help us in any WAY!?"
You're speaking quite loudly for the last part, and you watch the innocent man recoil a bit, and the anger subsides as guilt takes over.
"Oh my gosh. Doctor... I'm so sorry I didn't realize that... Ugh, I'm just sorry."
Wrapping your arms around him in a tight hug, he exhales with relief, pulling you closer. After what seems like a few minutes, the doctor releases you, whilst whispering something in your ear.
"Don't be afraid, I have a surprise for you..."
With that, he takes your hand in his and leads you around the TARDIS, closing the door. The satisfying crunch under your shoes calms you immediately. It seems like you'll be walking for a bit, so it's the perfect time to survey the surroundings. Soft purple snow banks cover a lot of what you can see, but in the distance there is something similar to a pine forest, alongside a frozen lake, that appears to be a pale blue. There is a single white sun over the horizon, and just as you take in some frosty air, the man comes to a stop in front of an icy cliff, with various sized stones of every colour you could think of sitting in piles right near the edge. Nestled between two large stacks, a very inviting, bright area calls to you. All of a sudden, your observations are disturbed by a tug on your hand.
"Getting a little distracted there, Y/N. Come on, right over there."
He speaks kindly, gesturing to the nook
in the rocks. Following him once more, you step into the dip, and sit on a medium sized stone, the doctor right next to you. He points over the cliff, and you glance down, gasping at the sight below you. A glimmering ocean slaps against the base of the land, uncovering countless amounts of rare gemstones and crystals; all of them twinkling in the dimming sunlight. Yanking yourself back, you look to the time lord.
"Where ARE we..?"
Your voice is airy with joy, and he chuckles under his breath.
" It's still Tameriomn, just very far in its past. Just as, if not more beautiful than the future look. None of this can even compare to you though."
You blush darkly, and look to the lowering sun, embracing the small amount of warmth it gives off.
Absently, one of your hands finds its way to one of the Doctor's. Everything is so peaceful, but there's a war happening in your head.
You like him more than a friend!
No you don't, you're just really close!
Tell him your feelings!
No, don't!
Do it!
Do it now!
Indecision pumps from your heart, and you decide to speak.
Both of you burst out in unison, laughing awkwardly.
"You go Doctor..."
"Right then. Well Y/N, to put it simply, I love you. You're the reason I get through this insanity, the reason my hearts beat, and I stay curious. You inspire me and give me purpose. Thank you."
You're speechless, looking into his green eyes. Without second thought, you lean forward and press your lips to his, full of passion. Your arms slink around his neck, and after his shock, he puts his snugly around your waist. You gently nibble his bottom lip, and grin into the kiss, but all too soon, it's over. He looks at you sweetly, shifting you near him so your head rests on his shoulder. With a sigh, you both lean into each other, watching the intense sun slip away.

This is most likely the final part, but if I get a bit of demand, I may make an afterwards. (:

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