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A Tale of Three Brothers
The Seven Kingdoms

Once, three friends had set out on a journey to seek the answer of the Gift of the Goddess, but luck was not on their side as their fates were scattered due to the war that was happening, still they were bound to their solemn oath to find the answer together. Somewhere between their journey, they came at a crossroad and parted ways there. As the days of being separated had passed, one becomes a hero, one still wanders the land, and the last is taken prisoner. Through their trials and tribulations, the three friends never saw each other again, however, still bound by their promise, the three friends still search for the answer. This time, fate brought the three together again.

The three friends set aside their differences and started their journey once more. But as fate has it, two of the friends died in the never ending war. The hero died to save an unknown knight who was trying to save a child, and the wanderer died trying to protect the hero and the prisoner. In the end, the prisoner was the last one standing and was once again taken prisoner by the enemy that had won.

After thirty years of his imprisonment, he was finally let go. Full of remorse of the events that had happened and the years wasted, the prisoner walked to the next village and made a family there. When he told his son of his story, his son decided to continue his father's journey and keep the promise his father had made with his beloved friends. This time, he was determined to finish it. So they gathered the children of the two friends that died and together they set off on their journey.

The days were rough and the nights were rougher as they journeyed through sands of time whilst being tested underneath the infernal sun, climbing unforgiving mountains that would cut through the thickest skin and the air would take away a man's soul due to the merciless cold. Nearing his deathbed, the prisoner wrote the end of his chapters in a journal he had kept since the beginning of his journey.

"My soul, corrupted by vengeance," he wrote, "hath endured torment, to find the end of the journey. In my own salvation, and in your eternal slumber."

Loss of energy and barely able to keep awake, the prisoner's son carried his father up the mountains with little strength left until they all finally made it to the end of their journey. High above the clouds of the highest mountain, there they saw the Twelve Gods nestled and asleep. The prisoner's son, with his remaining energy, called out for the Gods to awaken.

"Awaken from Your slumber," he yelled, realising the unmoving bodies, "awaken, I say! Do You not hear the cries of Your people?"

Still unmoving, the boy notices his father too had past whilst he called for the attention of the Twelves. Full of despair and remorse, remorse he felt that his father could not keep the solemn oath he had made with his friends, with rage in his heart, he called out once more.

"Can You not hear me? I Pray For You To Awaken Now."

And just with that, his voice had been heard as the boy had called from the desperation heard from his heart. One by one, the Twelve Gods awaken from a deep slumber they didn't realise they were in. When they see the boy, before they could question him, a bright light blinded the skies and the boy was shrouded in light. Appearing before him was a bright blue crystal. This blue crystal was none other than the Creator Hydaelyn.

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