On The Verge Of Disaster

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Once lunch time rolled around, I was faced with one of two choices:
1) Eat an increadible amount of cheeze its by myself
2) Let my friends do it.
       Being the polite, ladylike person that I am, I decided I would give them to my friends.
Note: this has nothing to do with the fact that i would be sick if ate the whole box. Also this ^ is pure sarcasm.
I pulled the box of cheeze its out and set it on the table.
At first, my friends started occasionally grabbing a few, all while doing things on their phones.
Then, 2 snotty girls (who only really only talk to us when they want us to quit singing) came over and picked the box up. And one of them started screaming, " Free cheeze its!!"
Suddenly, the ground started shaking. And juice started spilling. So all my friends and I got under the table.
And waited.

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