Saving the girl Chapter 12

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I stood smiling at the mountain, it had become a ghost of it's once natural beauty, it was a place of evil and was closed on Sundays. It was only a small trek up the mountain until we reached the glass angel.

Cindy frowned at us, "what??" I was angry at the attitude she had had this whole trip, £the mountains closed today guess we can't go in", she is such an idiot for one we had two angels with us and 2 the gate was practically just a barrier we could easily get past.

"Angel-boy here now", I smirked at his new nickname, "actually I'm a nephilim, they're two different things", I shrugged at his comment, "if they both have wings i really don't see a difference unless you want to be called bird-man??", he pondered at this thought then shuddered "angel-boy it is".

"So what I want you to do is fly over this wall and open the bar because cynical Cindy here doesn't want to climb through it or over it", he nodded then took off his shirt spreading two angel wings then flew over.

I heard a bit of noise before the gates screeched open, Olivia bit her lip "that's my angel boy", she murmured under her breath.

The place looked like a ghost town, empty packets of crisps and chocolate bar wrappers swirled in the wind while every souvenir shop was closed for the day.

"Hey look, aren't I pretty", Rick said, it was obvious he had found the dress up section because he was wearing a blond girl wing and plastic high heels, I rolled my eyes at him how can someone that strong be soo childish?? It amuses me though like many things in life.

He pulled off the wig and kicked off the shoes before walking ahead of us, I honestly don't know what goes through that boys head.

"Hey look it's you", Zach was holding up a Dracula ornament looking pointedly towards Dan with a smirk on his face, the Dracula was made of glass and it's black hair was scraped back, two fangs were painted on his bottom lip and he wore a cape.

"Funny", Dan said sarcastically "I found you as well", he grinned holding up a plush cupid, he was holding a harp, had two small wings and was wearing a diaper, "I think i see the resemblance", Zach glared at him.

"Okay okay enough of your... Fighting??", I questioned "how childish do you have to be to have a war like that anyway", I mumbled under my breath, "hey look I'm a werewolf roaarrr", Olivia ran from a shop with a wolf mask on, then continued to mock as she howled up at the sky.

I couldn't help it, I laughed so hard if i had been drinking milk it would have shot out of my nose, disgusting?? yes, but very true.

Okay so maybe it wasn't that childish but still not the most grown up fight in the world it would be more fun to watch if they actually hit each other.

We finally reached the giant glass angel, it was a lot bigger close up, okay blonde moment (no offence to blondes it's just an expression) ofcourse it'd be bigger closer up it isn't exactly gonna shrink.

"Search it for any wording", Rick ordered putting his hands against the glass feeling for any engravings, I don't know why he couldn't just look but never mind I'll leave him to it.

"Zach, Olivia fly higher up to see if there is anything up there", I ordered them Zach nodded but Olivia seemed reluctant, "but that would mean ripping this top for the wings", my face immediately hit my hand, "then go in a shop find a shirt worth ripping and spread those bad boys, and by that I mean wings", she nodded at me heading for the closest shop.

Zach flew straight up and looked around it's waist and wings, Olivia ran back out wearing a plain white dress and her wings were stretched out, it amused me because she looked like an actual angel apart from the wings being a greyish black.

She kicked off the ground and flew a little higher up then Zach but stayed away from his head because of his perverted way. it's a good thing she isn't on her special time of the month or that dress wouldn't be so white anymore.

A scream came from one of us "I found it", it was Cindy, her of all people, "I don't understand it though it's just a load of words put together", she yelled annoyed at this fact. I rolled my eyes at her then went to read it, The place you seek is neither near nor far, here nor there, it isn't solid but you can't fall through, it isn't liquid but you can swim through it, to save her you must first find me. Great more riddles, I'm no good at this riddles confuse me, "Olivia read this", the sound of feet hitting the ground told me she had just landed.

She stepped towards the engraving then looked at me as i fi were crazy "this is soo easy how can you not get it??", I shook my head at her, maybe it's easy for her but I have a normal persons brain and I don't get this at all.

"Gahh, well not near not far, not here nor there, meaning it's everywhere, saying it isn't a solid or a liquid means a gas, so that's basically like saying it's outside, then if u cant fall through it and can swim through it, that means the earth so it's going to be in the earth so look for any tunnels", then she began murmuring under her breath about how easy it was and wondering how we didn't get it.

We all split up and began our search for a tunnel, I decided to start looking through bushes incase it was hidden, I stuck my hand in the first bush and felt nothing but leaves and a rock at the back, the second had the same results, same with the third but when I went to the fourth one I could feel nothing, so I pulled all the shrubbery back to reveal a cave like structure, those type of structures seem to be everywhere.

2hey guys, I think I found it", they all gathered outside the 'tunnel' and we all headed in, it was very dark and we had to walk down too many steps until we reached a door, I tried the handle "it's locked", Rick looked thoughtful before knocking on it, "do you seriously expect someone who lives in a tunnel and is evil to answer the door once you knock on it, we might have to work out a way typing in an intr...", I didn't get to answer as the door creaked open revealing a hooded... man?? I think, Rick turned to give me a smug look.

The hooded person or creature gestured for us to come in, it was quite nice for a layer of doom if you ignore the smell and cages hangin over full of skeletons.

"I see you have brought your friends, wise decisions you need all of them, all i can give you is a map of directions and clues but not all of these directions are helpful and most cannot be used", the man tilted his head up a little but only enough so I could see the bottom half of his face, he had a mouth full of fangs and his skin was peeling from the bone, he seemed to be smiling a crooked smile, "would you like to continue or give up now, you only have 5 days left", his voice was raspy and he sounded a little like a snake if that makes sense.

I held out my hand "pass me the map", he smiled a wide smile letting blood drip from the corner of hius mouth "as you wish", he said handing me a crinkled piece of paper filled with directions, clues and a picture of everything that was there "good look", he sung before dissappearing into the air.

I looked at the first set of direction, follow the stairs to the landing then turn left, I looked around the room to find the stairs, they were hidden in a corner behind a bookshelf.

"Found the..", I began but noticed everybody else had set off towards them, wow thanks for waiting. They seemed to spiral upwards darkening the higher they got.

I gulped before slowly walking up them, the man said not every directions would be right so we have to be careful.

I finally reached the top and smiled this is gonna be easy, I took a step to the left and the ground fell from under me causing me to fall through then slide down a slope to the bottom, the directions we had been given vanished and was replaced with the word, you have to be more careful. Maybe this wasn't going to be as easy as I first thought.


Okay so I finally uploaded I'm really sorry for the wait, just be happy that I uploaded and I promise i will never wait this long again so please vote and comment :D

Saving the girl :(sequel to why didn't the wolf kill me?):Where stories live. Discover now