Saving the girl Chapter 20

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Dans' POV

His scent only got stronger the further I travelled down the corridor; this fact bothered me as for his scent to be this strong there had to be a lot of blood otherwise I would have reached him by now. "Charles!", I was hoping he'd reply as reassurance that he wasn't yet dead. 

Reaching the end of this corridor, I heard a soft whisper, it was feminine so it was clear it didnt belong to Charles. I couldn't quite work out who the voice belonged to, it definitely came from the direction Charles was in as both the scent and the voice seemed to come from the same direction.

Following the scent, and voice, further into the maze I finally found him. He was slumped against a wall, a woman was knelt next to him stroking his cheek and speaking to him; I couldn't see who she was though due to the curtain of hair masking her face.

Cautiously, I tiptoed further as to not startle the woman gradually making my way over to Charles. As I knelt down the woman chose this moment to look up and reveal her face; I couldn't hold back the gasp as I saw who it was. 

"Can you help him?", she asked sadly "I... How did you escape?", she smiled at me "they just let me go once they had all of you". I was suspicious to say the least, they wouldn't have just let her go, they were planning something.

"So can you help him?" she asked again, I looked down at Charles' bloodied form "I can try".

Eve's POV

She was dead. I couldn't quite believe it. Cindy was dead; Dan had killed her and then just left her.

Out of all the things I had seen in this maze that was the one thing I really did not expect and probably the worst thing I had seen whilst sat in my small room.

It was completely heartbreaking to see Rick sat in his Utopia with that thing. There wasn't a chance that he could escape now, unless of course somebody somehow knew how to kill a siren; but how do you kill something that is already dead?

"Decapitation usually works", I heard a voice answering my unspoken question. Maybe I'm just going insane "maybe you are, maybe you're not. Either way, you're still hearing my voice".

I stood up and looked around my room, there was nobody around to see, "I had my fun with your friend, I decided I should make another friend".

"Who are you?", I yelled into the air.

"I just told you, I'm a new friend, and a good one at that", I looked down thoughtfully for a while "were you the one talking to Dan?".

I heard clapping echo through my room "that's the one, I just told him a few truths about his future which lead him to make a big mistake", so they'll be the reason Cindy is dead.

"I don't think I want to be your friend", I glared down toward the ground. "And why not? I'd say I'm a very good friend to have. In fact I am the reason your friend found his little girlfriend and escaped his room. I am also the reason they found... Well, maybe I shouldn't tell you this much", my ears pricked up at this "who did they find?".

I could almost feel the person smirking at me "I thought you didn't want to be my friend. Only friends tell each other secrets", I do believe I have a serious dislike for this person "So if I were your friend..?".

"If you were my friend then I would have no choice but to help of course, but since we aren't friends I suppose that it will come at a price", I paused for a few seconds before asking "what price?".

Dans' POV

I had been carrying Charles for a while and she was following me closely behind "I thought you had healing powers. Couldn't you have just patched him up?", she remained silent for a while before answering "my powers have all been drained, with every person they steal from this maze, they take a power, but since you returned you gave one back. You had my power to regenerate myself since you are a vampire, Cindy had my power to heal since she is a werewolf, Eve had my speed and Rick had my strength. Once you escape, I get it back, but if you die, it dies with you" she smiled to herself "Charles has my heart, so if he dies then so do I".

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2013 ⏰

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