To Harry

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(Okay since I have too many best friends on here... I'm only picking one, and that boy is Harry. No not that motherfucking guy from One Direction. The guy that is beautiful!)


O.o I don't know how to start this letter... So here we go!!! Ever since I've met you, I have been falling asleep easier and I don't normally do that... It's weird. It's not because you're burning, it's because it's relaxing to talk to you. I don't know how to put it any other way. My dog is currently humping my leg... o.o bleh. Anyways! Umm... *throws a dildo at you* there you go, it's not used, I swear. I like penis. How did you know that I like penis?! You drew a penis next to my name on a rock... Now I need something for you, but what? Yeah this letter is pointless so I don't know why anyone would read it. *shrugs* I'm sorry I keep fucking things up, I promise I will try not to. I'm trying harder. I think... Umm... Enjoy this photo.

Fuck... I don't know what to say. Oh yes! YOU.ARE.AMAZING.

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