To Santiana

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You, Santiana, are my perfect little girl, my only little girl. Nothing will ever change that, I promise you. I will be your Daddy forever and ever, I will be by your side through thick and thin. I won't leave, ever. I know I can always trust you, and you can trust me. I love you so much... Sometimes I just want to squeeze your cheeks, but I don't because I figured you wouldn't appreciate that. No boy or girl will ever hurt you in any shape or form. If they do, they will not see tomorrow. I remember when we were running away from the cops... Good times, huh? We will have to do that again soon. Real soon. You are perfect in my eyes, no matter what anyone else says. And if they say different than I do, they are ducks. Yes ducks, they quack. Ducks are evil little things... I think I ate a duck once... Or maybe that was chicken... Oh we'll! It tasted like chicken. Everything tastes like chicken... O.o I wonder why. WHY CHICKENS WHY?! My back itches and I can't reach it.., scratch it for me? Please? Hmm... What pet do you want sweetie? I will buy you anything you want. You name it, I buy it. You want an indoor pol with gold flakes at the bottom? You got it. You want to own part of the ocean? You got it. Anything you want, I will buy. I love you, Santiana.


Daddy London

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⏰ Last updated: May 17, 2013 ⏰

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