Chapter Eighteen: Drugs Give Me Drugs Give Me Drugs

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Lucky/Lydia's POV


How'd he find out about the plan? I hoped he wouldn't catch the hint so I restrained Siren, Star doing the same to Queen.

"Sir, we were fortunate to have been passing by when we saw them."

"Well done you two, now if you'll excuse us, we need to get them on the pill. Forcefully."

He took out a syringe and headed for Star and Queen.

I bite my lip to keep from beating Korse's skull in.

He looked at Queen. Then emptied the drugs.

Into Victor.

He stiffened, letting go of Queen and falling to the ground. I let go of Siren and took out my gun and started the fight.

Siren helped Fun and Party get to safety while Red, Queen and I held them back.

The guys were nearly out but a 'Crow grabbed Fun from Party's grip and emptied another syringe.

"No!" Screamed Party.

We held him and pushed him out the building and right out of Battery.

I looked back and saw Fun and Star being dragged to who knows where.

We'll find you and get you back...

A tear slid down my cheek as we ran out of the city and into the harsh desert we called home [A/N: if you get that reference, you're my new friend]

-----A Few Hours Later-----

After we got to the Diner, Riley sent a message to Mikey telling him what had happened and asking if he'd want to let them in on the plan. He agreed for Gerard's well being.

I'll finally get to see him again...

He was here a half hour later.

"Gerard," called Riley.

He looked up from his spot in a booth. His eyes were bloodshot and there were tear streaks along his cheeks.

"There's something you need to know. Follow me."

He got up without asking questions and we went outside.

"Hey! You guys can come out now!" Red yelled.

Gerard watched as Mikey and Ray came out from behind a boulder near the Diner. His jaw dropped and looked as if he'd seen a ghost.

Then again, how would you react if you found out your sibling and best friend who you thought were dead were to suddenly return?


Mikey nodded.

They had an emotional reunion that made everyone cry.

"How are you guys even here? I saw Lucky shoot you."

He gave me a look and I felt guilty.

Riley, Andrea, and I looked at Mikey. He sighed.

"Let's go inside," he said.

We went inside and after we all took a spot in the dining area, Mikey explained everything.

"Remember a year ago when Lydia was captured and I went after her?"

Party and Jet nodded as they, including Fun, were the only ones not in on the plan.

"When Dr. Death asked how I'd make it up to him? This is what I meant. I asked Lydia and Victor to pose as Killjoys-gone-'Crows and infiltrate Better Living and report back using the unnamed aliases 'Grenade' and 'Undead'. The only way they could've earned BL/ind's trust is to 'murder' some Killjoys. I knew none of us could really kill each other so I set both of their guns on stun before we arrived at Battery. After our 'murder', Jet and I had to go into hiding or the whole plan would have been compromised."

They were both surprised that Mikey had come up with the whole thing.

" and Ray basically faked your deaths?"

"Yea, the only problem now is that Vic and Frank are now under Korse's control. We need to see how that's gonna work."

Gerard stood up.

"Well, now we got some plotting to do. Who's in?" He stuck his hand out in front of him.

We all piled our hands on top of his.

"Let's get started." He said.


[A/N] Again, sorry for the wait for the last chapter. That's why I finished the draft for this one quick and uploaded it. This fanfic is halfway over guys. But there's still an adventure ahead so yea. Enjoy the story and the chapters to come!


P.S : I'm planning a BVB fanfic so it'll most likely to be up on Christmas or before so if you want to keep up on the progress follow my Wattpad twitter account: @ LkyRbtWattpad

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