Chapter 1:Newbie

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Why do mum and dad have to move all over the place?"I think to myself furiously. And they're walking me in too. And that too on the end of a school week. We were having holidays for a week after this. Sometimes it sucks being a brainiac and be known for being a nerd. First all over in U.S and now they force Ava and Me to move over to Bradford in U.K. And first day in school is no different and people are staring at me too much. Like I'm a freak or something. Which I'm not. I'm perfectly normal, thank you very much. And no, please no, Is that the principal?"I think. It just has to be him,"I think bitterly as I feign a smile and shake his outstretched hand. Upstairs, first class to your left,"He says kindly. Mum and Dad give me an assuring smile and I nod at them nervously. I take a deep breath and walk to my class. I walk quickly and try to keep my balance(I'm really clumsy) and knock on the door nevously. A soft-looking woman in her maybe late 20's smile at me kindly. How can I help you?"she asks sweetly. Er, I'm new here. And I'm, er, Amelia Vance?"I say numbly. Oh yes, Miss Vance. Do come in. I'm Miss Barbour and it's a pleasure to meet you,"she says this all in a rush and I walk in gratefully and slink on to the nearest seat next to a pretty girl with red hair and braids. She smiles at me and I smile back. Miss Vance, Would you like to introduce yourself?"Miss Barbour asks. Er, No I'm fine thanks,"I say horrified. Nonsense. Don't be shy, honey,"she says. I sigh and stand up. Er, well I'm Amelia Arianna Vance and I just moved here from New York. Call me Mia, I hate my name. And yeah,"I finish lamely and everyone stares back at me like I'm an insect. Perfect. Just Perfect. I sit back down at my seat and cover my eyes And Mia has a degree in Law only at the age of 16 becoming one of the most youngest students in our country to get a degree in is also one of the top students in her university, which happens to be Harvard Law School," Miss Barbour says and I cringe. Please stop,"I think hard. But Miss Barbour goes on about my academic achievements and now I'm known as a total nerd which I'm not. The bell rings and I spring up and race out of class. Hey Mia,"someone calls behind me. I turn around and the girl I smiled at earlier, runs right at me. I fall over and my books and papers fall all over the place. I'm so sorry,"She gasps and pulls me up and then bends down to pick up my stuff. I get down to pick up my stuff to. It's okay,"I say. I'm Olivia Kane and everybody calls me Liv,"she says, holding her hand out. I shake it. Mia Vance,"I say. So do you want me to show you around school?"Liv asks. Er sure. But you don't need to go through the trouble,"I say and Liv waves me off. No it's okay. I was new here a year ago and I sorta made a vow to be friends with all the newbies,"Liv says proudly. I laugh. That's some vow,"I say. I know right?"Liv says. Hey you've got the same classes as me. Great,"she says leaning over and looking at my timetable. We walk over to our next class and take our seats. A boy with dark brown hair and dark brown eyes, and handsome features rushes in, just in time for class. As he walk past Liv and me, he glances at me and I feel jolts run through me when he looked at me He doesn't smile at me or acknowledges me. I ignore him and brush the feeling off and pay attention to class. The day goes by pretty fast actually, maybe because I actually had friends on my first day. I met Liv's other friends, Mark, Theo, Jane and Chloe. They're all very funny and non-judgmental which is suprising for starters. Maybe this year won't be so bad,"I think. After all mum and dad promised Ava and I, no more moving after this. When school ends, I walk with Liv and Mark to their lockers and they, to mine. We stop for a while at a vending machine, where Mark goes off to get a soda. While waiting for Mark, someone runs into me again. I fall flat on my front and want to start screaming. What is with these people and running into other people?"I think as I scramble on to my feet. Watch where you're going,"The boy hisses and turns to walk off. There are better ways to say sorry, you total Douche,"I yell after him. The boy turns around and I recognize him from my math class. The one with the dark brown hair and eyes and the handsome features. I beg your pardon?"he says, icily. You heard me. I called you a douche,"I inform him with a smirk. I'd want to watch my words if I were you,"He says smirking. What if I don't?"I answer bravely. He stares at me for a long while. And then he does the most unexpected  I'm Zayn,"He says holding his hand out to me. Zayn Malik,"I look at him, confusedly. Has this guy gone utterly butterly mad?"I think. Or is he already mad?" I take his hand hesitantly. Mia Vance,"I say awkwardly. Hi Mia. I'm sorry I pushed you over and told you to watch where you're going,"He says and smiles. And...,"I tell him. And what?"he asks confused. And for telling me to watch my words,"I inform him with my eyebrows raised. And for telling you to watch your words,"Zayn finishes. Forgiven,"I tell him and spin around to pick my scattered stuff. He bends down and helps me to pick them up. Thanks,"I tell him and turn to leave when he stops me. I'll er, see you around Mia,"Zayn tells me with an awkward shrug See you around Zayn,"I tell him. I walk home with Liv who actually lives in my neighborhood and stay over at her house for a while. Mum and Dad are home early and Ava is in the kitchen stuffing her face full with cookies. Mom's making dinner and Dad's in the living room, reading the paper. Mom, Dad, Ava,"I'm home as I close the door behind me with my foot. Hi honey,"Mom calls from the kitchen. How was first day at school?" Good,"I answer, grabbing some iced water from the fridge. I made some new friends," That's a first,"Ava remarks. Ava,"Mum says warningly. What? Its true,"Ava argues. I smile at Ava. She's my sister and my best friend. And she's a great person and is 5 years older than me. We stick up for each other all the time, share clothes, make-up and stuff. And plus Ava was just like me. She was smart, beautiful, funny, outgoing and random. I am just like that but I like writing and singing whereas she wants to do business just like mom and dad. I want to do business to but maybe my desire for writing is stronger. Mia?"Mum says. Hmm?"I answer her. We have some guests over tonight honey. I took some day off work and met some neighbours and I invited them over for dinner tonight,"she says briskly over the stove. So?"I ask. So honey, go get ready and come down fast please,"Mum says. Okay,"I say, running up. I have a quick shower and change into (.com/cgi/set?id=46451744).Then I run down and park myself infront of the TV with Ava. Dad started talking about his day at home with mom. Then the doorbell rang. Mia?"Mum calls from the kitchen. Could you get that?" I look at Ava who suddenly stares very hard at the TV. I roll my eyes and get up to get the door. The bell rings again. I'm coming," I call out and swing the door open and almost gasp when I see the people at the door. Zayn?"I squeak out, bewildered. Mia?"He says in the same tone. Mrs. Malik smiles brightly. Hi honey. You must be Mia. Is your mother home?"Mrs Malik asks sweetly. Yeah she is. Er come in," I say trying to sound welcoming. She smiles at me and takes Zayn's younger sisters hand and steps in. shakes hands with me. So you and Zayn know each other?"He asks. Yeah. From school,"Zayn says quickly. Good. Very good. Nice to know you're friends,"He says and smiles. He joins Dad in the living room and leaves me and Zayn alone. Er hi,"I tell him He looks dashing in a black polo shirt, jeans and a pair of Converse. Hey,"He says back.Look this is awkward but...," we both start to say at the same time.I, mean, I'd like to really," we say again at the same time. We both frown and then crack up laughing.You first,"we both say at the same time again.You first," I say quickly. Well, this is er, awkward but lets just be good friends and forget the day's events?"he asks holding his hand out.Sure," I say and shake his hand.Good then,"Zayn smiles with makes me melt. The rest of the evening goes well. The Malik's are really nice and warm. They invite us for dinner back at their home some time.Mia's really smart,"Zayn says slyly. I glare at him and then recover from it.No actually I'm not. Zayn's just stretching the truth," I say smartly.Oh honey, Don't be so modest,"Mum says, waving her hand. She starts with the academic speech she says to everyone she knows about me.Wow Mia. That's very good to know. Actually a relief to know that Zayn finally has a friend so academically good,"Mrs Malik says, smiling warmly.He actually could use your help with studies Mia," joins in. Maybe you could help tutor him?"That would be wonderful. I'm sure Mia wouldn't mind helping Zayn a little,"Dad answers for me. Don't get me wrong. My parents are the most important people in my life. They make allowances for Ava and me and they don't even mind with what I even might want to in the future. They don't force their opinions on us but they like all other parents, tend to answer for their kids.I glared harder at Zayn and he smiled meekly back. You could tell this was hardly the way he wanted things to go. I smiled and cackled evilly inside. Then I sigh again. The next one week spent tutoring him. I couldn't finish writing my story as fast as I thought I would. I frown deeply and Zayn shoots me an apologetic look. I nod at him and smile. It can't be that hard tutoring Zayn,"I think.

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