Chapter 2: In memory of Aragog (Mia)

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I had packed my books way ahead of time and I even asked Zayn what he thought his week subjects were. Er I think Math and Science?"he says hesistantly. I'll be around at 2 tommorow?"I ask. Yeah sure,"He says. Mum and dad have gone to work so it's only Ava and me at home. Its been raining the whole morning but its stopped now and its cold, humid and wet. I'm in my room, rolling around the floor with my new Jeffery Archer book. The air conditioner is on, on full-blast even though its cold outside. I'm just cool like that. My iPhone is on my table, with the song She Will Be Loved- Maroon 5, playing. Then my alarm rings saying its five minutes to two and I groan and hit the alarm with undying hatred. I continue reading my novel and jump on my bed and pull my duvet over me. A few minutes later Ava pokes her head in and frowns. Aren't you going over to Zayn's to tutor him?"she asks bossily. Five more minutes,"I say without turning my head from my book. No get going now,"Ava says, switching off the air conditioner and pulling my duvets away from me. I hold on to them, gripping tightly and dive underneath them. We have a tug of war and eventually Ava gives up and sighs heavily. Fine then be that way,"she says. Mum and Dad will be so dissapointed in you and so will Mr. and and Zayn. Okay, fine I'm getting up,"I snap and get out of bed. I have a quick shower and change into .com/in_memory_aragog/set?id=45790765 . I grab my bag and take the bag of cookies and water bottle Ava had packed for me. I had to admit as much as she was annoying at times, she was an excellent cook. Thanks Ava,"I shout as I stalk out of the door. I'll be back around 4 or so," I walk over to Zayn's and ring the doorbell. Zayn's sister, Doniya opens the door and smiles brightly at me. Hey Mia, Come on in. Mum said you would be coming around,"she says. I walk into their home and look around. It's very nice in here, very authentic and really preety. The air in their house is cold but it doesn't bother me. It feels good. The girls are at my aunt's place and mom and dad are at work. Zayn's upstairs and I'm going out with my friends,"Doniya says in a rush. There's snacks for you guys in the fridge and I wish you the best of luck with Zayn,"she continues. He's a handful," I blink at her and then smile. Well then thanks Doniya,"I say. Call me Don, My nickname,"she says shortly. Mia I need to go right now but do you mind not mentioning me going out to my parents?" Er, yeah sure,"I say and nod my head reassuringly. Thanks Mia. I bribed Zayn to shut up and I honestly don't have anymore money to spare,"she says with a slight chuckle. It's okay. You don't need to bribe me. I bribe my sister all the time when I want her to keep a secret so I understand how you feel," I say laughing as well. Thanks Mia. Zayn's upstairs, third room to the left. And I'll be back around 4?"She says and then grabs her stuff and leaves. I take a deep breath and walk upstairs quickly. I see Zayn's room instantly, its impossible to miss his room when it has the most amount of stickers and boards. Zayn's room, Do not enter, Danger! And the basic boy stuff had been plastered on his door. I smile in amusement and knock lightly on his door. Come in,"Zayn yells from inside. I turn the knob and push the door open and the cold air from inside hits me with a blast on my face. Zayn's on the floor with his iPod next to him, with Gun's N Roses Blaring from the tiny gadget. He 's nude except for a pair of boxer shirts and I get a full view of his naked being. What the hell are you doing here?"He yells, leaping up and grabbing the nearest t-shirt. I take a deep breath. That was a gory sight,"I say and he snickers. I'm here to tutor you and I'm guessing you forgot right?" Er sort off,"He says and look at me with a guilty look. Sorry about the mess,"he adds when he takes a sweeping glance around his room. Come on, I'll help you clean," I say, surprising both myself and him. I leave my bag and books on his table and together we get the room clean in around 15 minutes. I take my bag of cookies and offer some to Zayn. He takes some and I take a sip of my water. Thanks,"Zayn say holding up a cookie So I've brought some sets of math and science I thought you could do as practice," I start. Zayn nods at me blankly. We start off with Math and after almost an hour, I set my pen down. Got it?"I ask and he nods, looking very convincing. Well then, Explain,"I say, flicking my pen over to him. Er yeah, Math. So, you, er,"He stammers and then flicks it back at me. I forgot,"He tells me casually. I look at him and sigh. Don wasn't kidding when she wished me luck,"I think. Just then the phone rings from downstairs. I have to get that,"Zayn says and runs downstairs to get the call. I look around at his room and a box catches my eye. It's black with large, red, bold letters on it saying Do Not Open. I edge the box slowly and then lift the lid off. My heart stops beating in fear for a second when I peer in and see what's in the box. Its an actual live, huge, hairy spider. It glares at me with its beady black eyes and start climbing out of the box. It darts towards me and I scream and instinctively grab the nearest book and aim it at the spider. The book hits my target with exact precision which makes me beam until I realize the enormity of what I had just done. I bend down and then lift the book and then wince slightly when I see the squashed up critter. Hey Vas Happenin?"Zayn asks bounding back into the room. I heard you scream," Er, nothing. I just, er, laughed at a joke my friend fowarded me,"I stutter. Yeah a joke my friend sent," Oh, So what's the joke about?"He asks as bends down to pick the book on the floor. Zayn, No don't pick that up!"I shout but Zayn has already picked the book up and see the dead spider. You were snooping around my room?"Zayn explodes. And you killed my pet?" I am so sorry,"I say trailing off. 10 Minutes later... So we've dug a hole back at the Malik's backyard, buried Zayn's precious spider and then covered it up back with earth. Then Zayn went back down on his knees while I stood by and patted his shoulder in what seemed like a comforting and sympathetic way. Dear Aragog, You were...,"Zayn starts dramatically but I cut him off. Hang on, I've heard that name somewhere,"I say. Harry Potter,"Zayn says briskly. Oh yeah!"I suddenly remember. Do you read Harry Potter as well?"No. Its for lmao's like you,"Zayn jokes. I whack him across the head. Ow Mia!"Zayn scowls rubbing his head. What the hell was that for?" For insulting Harry Potter,"I smirk. Well it does suck,"he starts again but I whack him across the head again. Zayn glares at me. Say that again,"I tell him. HARRY POTTER SUCKS!"Zayn yells at the top of his lungs. I whack his head again lightly like the last time but with just a little bit more force. You're kill all my brain cells and then I'm going to be retarded,"Zayn jokes, amused by my act. Well, you shouldn't mess with a Potterhead like me,"I say. If I had a wand, I would have turned you into a spider," So you can kill me just like you killed Aragog?"Zayn asks cheekily in mock sadness. Look I said I'm sorry about Aragog,"I say guiltily. Look, If it makes you feel better, I'll get you a new pet," I say desperately. No its' okay. But you can take me out for ice-cream,"Zayn says smiling now I get my purse and we stalk off together to King Kone's. It's an old ice-cream parlor that's been around since the eighties. Excellent. You know this place?"Zayn asks sounding suprised. Yeah,"I say. I checked it out when we first came here and their mint chocolate chip ice cream is outta this world,"I say grinning. Yeah. I like it too,"Zayn says. Its my favourite flavour," No Joke," I say. Its mine too," Dibs on the first scoop,"Zayn announces. No!"I protest. He runs ahead to King Kone's and run after him. You know most people prefer expensive outlets compared to King-Kone's which tastes better,"Zayn says looking around fondly as we push through the double-french door. The creamy, thick smell of ice-cream hits me with a sense of familiarity. The forget-me-not blue colour wall paper with the candy striped plastic tables and chairs. Hello Zayn," The guy behind the counter says. Hey Matt,"Zayn replies cheerfully. So what can I get you today?"Matt asks ready with his ice-cream scooper and a clear plastic ice-cream cup with King-Kone's Logo printed on it. The usual please,"Zayn says, rubbing his hands excitedly. Matt scoops up two scoops of mint chocolate chip on to the cup expertly and then dribbles hot fudge all over it. Then he hands it to a beaming Zayn. Then he turns to me. And what can I get for Zayn's preety girl?"He says smoothly. We're not together,"Zayn and I say at the same time in unison. Matt raises and eyebrow. Right,"He says dryly and winks at us. What's that supposed to mean?"Zayn asks scowling. But Matt ignores him and flashes me a smile. I decide to go for something else this time and take the 'pralines and cream'. Er, I'll have one scoop of the pralines and cream with extra chocolate chip please,"I say, trying not to laugh. Matt hands me my ice-cream and we head to the counter where I pay for both our ice-creams and then we head over to a table to dig in. Want some?""I ask, offering a spoon of my ice-cream to Zayn. Zayn nodds and reaches for the spoon. At the last minute, I mash my spoon on to his face and smear the ice-cream on his face Oh this is war,"Zayn says, smiling devilishly. He scoops a mound of his ice-cream and aims his spoon at me. I give an excited scream dive under the table but the icy cold cream hits me right on my forehead. I jump right back up and scoop ice-cream out using my hand and throw it at Zayn's hair. Amelia Arianna Vance! You did not just get my hair with ice-cream,"He growls playfully and dumps more ice-cream on to my lap. I believe I just did,"I tell him. Ahem,"Someone says politely and we look up. Three tall boys, flanked by two girls. Food Fight?"The blonde guy on my right asks. And who's this?" Er yeah. And this is Mia, guys."Zayn says. Mia, this is Brandon, Tristan, Chad, Tristan's sister Chloe and Ashley," I say hi to all of them and smile warmly. Brendan is the blonde guys with bright blue eyes, Tristan and Chloe are brunnetes with green eyes, Chad is somewhat Asian- Chinese with his dark brown eyes, black hair and small eyes. And Ashley had dyed-blonde hair with icy-blue eyes. I take the serviettes and hurriedly wipe myself clean of ice-cream. So now I smelt and probably tasted like mint chocolate chip. Zayn had aslo wiped off the ice-cream but there was still some on his hair. Brendan whips out his phone and took a picture of him. This is going online,"He says gleefully. Zayn jumps up and I watch them wrestle for a while until they go off to get some more ice-cream. Meanwhile Chloe gets a call and excuses herself which leaves me with Ashley. So Maya is it?"She says snootily. It's Mia,"I say. So how long have you know Zayn again?"she asks in a polite but bitchy tone. Just recently,"I reply. Oh and how did you guys end up here?"She asks again I raise an eyebrow. Who does she think she is? Zayn's mother? I'm tutoring him. And we're neighbors,"I say shortly. Well whatever. Look bimbo, Keep your hands off Zayn. He's mine,"she hisses. I rolled my eyes and stood up. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black. Zayn and I are nothing more than friends. Infact you can have him, I don't care,"I say, which probably surprises her, based on the look on her face. Oh and before you call anyone a bimbo, Mind looking at the mirror or taking an IQ test?" I continue. Because I'm pretty sure you're one hundred percent a bimbo," I walk off and tap Zayn on the back. Zayn I really need to go, It's late and mum and dad will be home soon,"I say. He nods. Okay. I'll walk you home then,"he says with a shrug. Zayn?"Ashley says with sugary, syrupy voice. Don't go yet, Stay for me,"she says gesturing to the seat next to her coyly. I can't. I'm walking Mia home and I definitely don't need her snooping around my room again,"Zayn smiles, saying the last part soft enough for only me to hear. I hit him lightly on his head again and he jumps away holding his hands out in a protective stance. The look on Ashley's face was pure gold. I laghed silently as we exited King Kone's. So thanks for the ice-cream,"Zayn says. Even if we didn't really eat it,"He continues chuckling. Sure. And I'm really sorry about Aragog,"I say still feeling a little guilty. You haven't let it go yet?"Zayn says in mock shock. Mia, I let it go ages ago. Besides if mom or dad found it, they would have made me get rid of it so its a pretty good thing you killed him," I laughed with Zayn. This guy wasn't mad. Zayn was just too funny for his own good.

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