Chapter 15: The Handsome Monster And The Devil In Jimmy Choo's(Mia)

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You are so late Missy,"Liv says, wagging her index finger at me. I know, I know,"I say apologetically. I lost track of time," Well go have a quick shower,"She shoos me to the bathroom. I jump into the shower and within ten minutes I'm out. Liv's laid some clothes ot for me and I quickly put them on. Here let me help,"she says brandishing a hair-dryer. While she dries my hair, I think of my day spent with Leo. We had breakfast at a deli today morning and then I took him out around London. We had had lunch together too and I forgot all about the time and rushed back to the apartment. Not now Hachi,"Liv growls at Hachi who's wondered into the room. We leave Hachi with one of Liv's friends who volunteered to watch him. I put on my heels and then we get a cab and then head to Wembley. Here we got backstage passes,"Liv says and hands me a pass. When we get to Wembley, Liv realises she forgot to bring the tickets so we had to go back and get them. Where are you guys?"Zayn says when I pick my phone up.I sigh. We left the tickets back at the apartment so we had to go back but we're outside now," Okay,"He says. Will you guys head back stage right away?" Sure. Anything wrong, Malik?"I ask cheekily. Nope but I'm feeling very nervous,"Zayn says. So nervous I feel like I'm about to barf," I laugh lightly. You'll be wonderful tonight, I promise you that,"I assure him. Okay, I'll meet you inside?" Okay, Hurry,"he says. I slap my phone shut and head in with Liv. We show security our passes and then head to the boy's room. Knock, Knock,"Liv says. Zayn opens the door with a woosh and my breath's taken away. Zayn looks dashing and handsome in his outfit. His hair's been spiked and he looks so much older. Zayn, Mia?"Liv calls out to us. I snap out of my daze and focus properly. Mia?"Zayn says. I need a hug to calm myself down," Sure,"I tell him and hug him. His perfume hits my nose and I nearly swoon. That clean, husky, inviting and manly perfume. What's a girl to do when she's thrown at handsome monsters with with a like Zayn? Monsters like Zayn? I'm going mad,"I think to myself.

(Zayn) That must be Mia and Liv,"Liam says. I get the door and Mia smiles brightly at me and my breath is taken away. She looks gorgeous in her outfit. So demure yet with a dangerous edge. She looks so much more older and I keep staring at her. Zayn, Mia?"Liv calls out to us. I snap out of my daze and feel the nervousness take over me again. Mia?"I say. I need a hug to calm myself down," Sure,"Mia says and hugs me. Her toxic, delicious and special, spicy and with subtle hints that linger and leaves the scent permanently in my head. Sometimes I really did wonder where my self-control came from because it was becoming hard to keep myself under control with this devil in Jimmy Choo's that's come to break my focus. The girls hang around for a while more until the leave and head to the front. Ready guys?"Liam asks. He starts to give the famous pep talk he gives us before every performance we've had so far. We can do this, I just know we're going to win,"Liam says. We just got to keep focused and stay cool okay? Okay,"We say together. Before we know it, we're done. They're announcing the results and we're huddled together, all of us holding hands and looking quesy and nervous. And 2nd runner up is... The One Direction!"Caroline screams and we start jumping up and down and screaming in happiness. There's a part of us that's dissapointed but we made it to the finals and its a huge achievement and we won third place. Group hug,"Louis yells and we give each other a great big hug. Mum and Dad are the first to hug me and overload me with huge flower bouquets. And then comes everybody else.Zayn, Congrats!"Mia screams in my ear. Ouch much,"I scream back in her ears. She hugs me tightly and I grin widely. You did it!"She yells. You guys did it. This calls for a celebration," Wanna sneak into a bar with me?"I ask her cheekily. Not if I'm going to snog some random guy,"she says and winks at me. Damn,"I think. I was hoping she'd say yes. It would be like the cherry to the cake," What are you thinking bad boi?"Mia says in an American accent. I'm just thinking of how much fun I had that night we went to the pub,"I tell her and she laughs. Of course you had a great time watching me snog someone,"she laughs. Yeah I had a good time snogging you,"I tell her quietly over the noise. What?"she says Nothing,"I yell back

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