The best damn thing (Niall Horan fan fiction)

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“Jamie!” I yelled in panic. “Jamie where are you?”.

I was running around backstage at the O2 Arena, looking for my little sister and she was nowhere to be found.

*Two hours earlier *

“You're so London, your own style...!” blasted out the speakers in the little minivan I was driving. In the backseat all of my little sisters were sitting, looking as excited as you could expect when three young girls are going to see One Direction.

“Turn it up Boo” Clare laughed as she was singing along to the music. Clare is the oldest one o my little sisters, she's thirteen and a royal pain in the ass. Most times. She always calls me “Boo” in public just to tease me.

“Fine Clare Bear” I teased back and I could see in the rear view mirror how she was glaring at me under her blond bangs.

“Nobody compares to you!” Bizzie sung very of key. Bizzie´s real name is Beatrice but she say that she feel 100 and not 10 when people call her that.

“Gurl you got to work on your singing” Jamie smirked sassy. Yes little Jamie. She was suppose to be a boy but the name suited a girl as well and she is as far away from the stereotype boy you can come. Everything is pink and sparkly and that goes well with her blond pig tales. For a eight year old she's got quite a lot of sass and she doesn't hesitate to use it on her sisters.

“Shut up James!” Bizzie mocked her.

“It's Jamie!” Jamie pouted and gave her sister a little pinch.

“OW!” Bizzie cried out and hit her back.

“Stop it, both of you!” I scolded them. Being the oldest one is extremely hard sometimes. I took a look in the review mirror, seeing a ginger haired girl with freckles and striking blue eyes. I looked so different from my little sisters. I know that we have different fathers but no one ever believes we are sisters.

When we finally reached the O2 Arena I thought that the girls would faint by excitement.

I got out of the van and opened the door for them.

“Come on, get out!” I told them as they jumped out one by one. They were all so cute in their t-shirts and with their face painted.

“Come on let's go!” Bizzie squealed and headed for the lines into the arena.

We all followed her laughing. The line was extremely long but as soon as we got in it some girls started to sing.

“You're insecure, don't know what for...”

My sisters started singing along the well known song.

“You're turning heads when you walk through the door!” Bizzie sang and just like the last time she was very of key.

I just laughed at her. She couldn't sing to save her life but she still loved it.

“Excuse me?” a female voice said and I turned around to face her. She had dark hair and dark eyes. She looked very pretty and very familiar but I just didn't know from where.

“OMG!” Clare gasped and looked like she was going to faint for real this time. “You're Doniya, Zayn´s sister!”.

“Yes I am” she laughed. “Would you girls be interested in backstage passes?” she asked us and I could see how all the pink color on Clare´s cheeks disappeared.

“Bloody hell” she mumbled.

“I think that's a yes” I smiled and took the four passes she reached me. “Thank you a lot”.

The best damn thing (Niall Horan fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now