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Guys, there is some explainations of the astral projection and its steps in that chapter, it's not necessary to read.. Just if you wanna know about it or just know what's going on and know what they are talking about and why would it effect Louis' life. If you already know it so skip it:D enjoy reading.

-that chapter is gonna be kinda longer than usual because of the steps of the astral projection-

Louis went back home after they went skating and eating ice-cream and didn't find his mom cause he returned home while she was in her work.

He walked upstairs and went to his room and layed on his bed staring at the ceiling and then turned the lamp on his night stand on and rested his back to the back board of the bed and then opened his laptop and opened google.

#Louis' POV

I don't know why am i thinking of this but i thought of searching about the meaning of that kind of dreams or the meaning of nightmares..


I typed and found many links with some unusful topics but i scrolled down anyway.

Daydreams? No these aren't daydreams.. They are like.. I don't know actually, the first dream seemed so relastic.. Just like the second one..

'Is it possible to get out of your body?'

'did you mean "Is it possible to get out with your body" what? C'mon..

'could i see myself dead while I'm alive?'

It showed no results.. What the fuck

'is it possible that souls can leave bodies while they are still alive?'

It gave lots of results and the first topic was 'Astral Projection' and a Wikipedia link below it. What does that mean?

I clicked the link and waited for it to load..

||Astral Projection or (astral travel) is an interpretation of an out of body experience (OBE) that assumes the experience of an astral body separate from the physical body and capable of travelling outsid it. Astral projection or travel denotes the astral body leaving the physical body to travel in an astral plane. The idea of astral travel is rooted in common world wide religious accounts of the after life in which the consciousness or soul's journey or ascent is described in such terms as " An... Out-of-body experience, werein the spiritual traveller leaves the physical body and travels in his / her subtle body (or dream body, or astral body) into higher realms. It's frequently reported in association with dreams, and firms of meditation.

Patients have reported feelings similar to the descriptions of astral projection induced through various hallucinogenic and hypnotic (including self-hypnitic) means. There's no scientific evidence that there's any measurable manifestation of consciousness or soul which separate from neural activity, and there's no scientific evidence for contention that one consciously leave the body and make observations. Attembs to verify that such has occurred have consistently failed inspite of the variety of Pseudoscientific claims to the conterary.||

Wow.. Is that even possible! What the hell.

'could the astral projection happens in dreams?' i typed and it loaded two topics, one wasn't about what i asked at all and the other was a comunicating website with the topic of the astral projection

||The astral projection can be described as a dream and it feels like a dream to the traveller but it can't just happen in a dream cause it needs some necessary steps to be done and it needs lots of practice||

Someone answered my question and it pushed me back to where i begun.. That means that it's not an astral projection either.. Is it only a fucking dream?! I did really wake up with a chest pain from the screaming in the dream!

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