A new family

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[recap; alexus announced that she is pregnant to her mom, she got kicked out of her moms, she invited all of her friends over to talk about the situation that happened in Jamaica but all they did was fight, she announced she was pregnant to them; Btw, I’m changing my writing style]


I hate the fact that she has to go through this especially now that’s she’s pregnant. She lost her friends and her mom in the same day.

“Baby” I said

“Yes?” she looked at him fake smiling

“I’ m really sorry that just happened” I said kissing her cheek

“It’s fine. I guess everyone is just going through a hard time”

“I love you” I said grabbing her waist so she was closer to me

“I love you more” she said

“Now you know I love you more” I said pulling her closer

“How about you show me tonight” she winked, smacked my butt then ran up the steps

“You gonna get it” I said running up the stairs

“Not if you can’t catch me first” she smiled and ran in the bathroom. She tried to shut the door but I stopped it

“Got you” I said throwing her over my shoulder

“Let me go!” she said while she was kicking trying to get away

“Trust me. You’re not getting away” I pinned her down on the bed

“Dré… Please Papi”

“Don’t you call me papi. You know that turns me on, you’re just gonna get in even more trouble” I pinned her tighter

“papiiiiiii pleaseeeee” she said on purpose

“Oh you’re gonna get it”

“No! I’m sorry! Please just let me go!” she said

“Fine. I have to meet with my agent and my coach in a few. But I’ll be back before ten” I let her go

”Don’t leave me!” she pulled my shirt making me hover over her face

“Baby, I’ll be back. I need to talk to them about some business. Okay?” I said

“Okay. I love you”

“I love you more” I kissed her

We kissed for 30 seconds then finally pulled away

“Stay sexy” I winked and smacked her thigh

“Bye baby”   

I put on my shoes, walked out the house and got in my Bugatti. I just sat there thinking about Alexus and the baby. I can’t believe that I’m having a baby with her, I love her so much but then again she’s so young but I guess it’s good that she’s going to college this year. The only thing I’m worried about is that she’ll probably have to pick a college near whatever I team I go to.

I pull up to the Atlanta Falcons stadium to meet up with coach and my agent in his office.

“Hey coach Smith” I smiled

“Hey DeAndré” he smiled

“Wassup James (agent)” I dapped him. He’s like my brother

“Wassup” he said

“Okay let’s talk. We have to make this quick.” Coach said

“Okay” I and James said at the same time

“So, DeAndré… do you still want more money?” Coach asked

“Yes sir” I nervously said

“Oh, Well DeAndré… I can’t just make money appear you know? The agencies of the Falcons are on a budget. Including the money we give to our players”

“Sir I know. I just need more money because I need to pay my bills including my mom’s. Now my girlfriend is having a baby” I said kinda frustrated

“Why can’t your mother pay her own bills?”

“She can but I want to give her everything she needs sir”

“So you need more money because you are choosing to pay other people’s bills?”

“With all due respect sir but it’s not just any person, this is my mother. I didn’t come from the greatest childhood and I was nothing but trouble. So I want to give my mother everything, especially because she is getting older” I said a little angry

“Well since you are choosing to give away your money, I will not going to be giving you any more than you already have”

“What teams want me?” he turned to James

“Um let’s see. The Chargers, the 49ers, the Dolphins and the Eagles”

“How much does each team want to offer me” I said not giving a damn that coach was right there

“The Chargers will give you 7 million for a 5 year contract, the 49ers 3 million for a 3 year contract, the Dolphins 5 million for a 6 year contract, the Eagles 4.5 thousand for a 4 year contract” he said

“Let’s meet with the Chargers and the Dolphins. Tell the other teams I’m not coming”

“Ight I’ll text you the date”

“Well fellas I have to go back home. Nice talking business with you guys.” I dapped James and started walking away. “Bye Mike” I said smiling

“Coach to you!” he said angrily

“Not anymore” I said as I continued walking

Well now all I have to do is talk to Alexus because we need to make this work. I get in my car and drive home.

“Baby I’m home” I walk upstairs and see Alexus on the bed sleep. Smh… I pick her up, pull the covers, put her under the covers and pull the covers over her

“Babe?” she said in her sleepy voice


“What did you guys talk about?” she said sitting up

“I’ll tell you tomorrow. Go back to sleep”

“No I’m already up”

“Well I’m staying here. I tried to negotiate with coach but he got mad because I’m paying my mom’s bills…”

She sighed and said “What teams are you looking at?”

“The Chargers and the Dolphins”

“So, Miami and San Diego?”


“Alright, so now what?” she sighed

“I’m pretty sure you can’t go to college when you have the baby because we need someone to watch the baby. I’ll probably be all over the place”

“Okay, I’ll Duke in the morning to see if I can take online classes” she said

“So you are moving with me right?”

“Well duhhhhh”

“Hahha, yay!!!!” I said jumping around

“You are such a kid” she said laughing


Well it’s morning now and I haven’t had time to think about moving to Miami or San Diego. But I know for sure that I am because I wouldn’t dare keep  DeAndré away from our baby. I already called Duke and they said I can take online classes. I love DeAndré very much but I don’t think I want this baby.

[ohhh snapppp. Is Alexus going to get rid of the baby? Well.. idk. 3 more chapters until i start the sequel! Mindless fact of the dayyyy-ayyyy-ayyyy: Roc didn't know how to dance before MB; y'all probably already knew that if you saw All Around the World]

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