Just Friends

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"One...two...three!" Gon smiled brightly to Killua and swung open the door to their new apartment. Killua smiled back to Gon and stared at the clean room with with a blush. They had finally saved up enough money over the past months to buy a place of their own. Gon looked back to Killua and grinned. "After you my good sir..." He bowed, taking Killua's hand and muffled a laugh. Shaking his head Killua let go of Gon's hand and smirked. "Oh now now...ladies fir-" He stopped as he felt himself suddenly being swept off his feet and Gon's tight grip around him. Killua's face turned bright red as Gon held him in a
bridal style position. Looking down into Killua's eyes, Gon beamed at him. "This way we both get to go together!" Taking a big step Gon walked through the door holding Killua tightly. He suddenly gasped as he saw the entire place. "Whoa...its huge!" He then placed Killua back on the ground and ran across the room to the window, pressing his face against the glass. "Killua! The view is amazing from here, come look!" Killua rolled his eyes and dusted himself off smiling. "He's just like a little kid sometimes..." He made his way over to the window, next to
Gon, and stared down at the city below. "Killua?" Looking up from the window he turned his attention to the other boy. "Yeah? What is it-" His face immediately flushed as Gon's deep hazel eyes made contact with his. "Killua...I'm glad that I'll get to be with you always from now on...you'll always be my best friend." With that he wrapped his arms around Killua's waist and snuggled his face into the crook of his neck. "Y-yeah..." Killua wrapped his arms around Gon as well and shut his eyes tightly. "You're my...best friend too...Gon."

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