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What had felt like weeks instead of days had passed and it was finally Friday. After he had discussed the weekend plans with Gon yesterday he was filled with excitement. Tonight and tomorrow they would finally get some long needed quality time with each other. "...Wait why am I  so excited about this? I see him pretty much every day..." Maybe it was the fact that they would be alone together that excited him? He shook his head as he and laid sprawled out on their bed. It's not like anything special was going to happen anyway, just hanging out... Killua let out a deep sigh. But what if something did happen...? He absolutely hated this feeling. He was in love with someone he knew would never love him back. Not to mention that the boy he was in love with was his best friend. It was like a giant weight on his chest that got heaver when he was around Gon. Sitting up Killua snatched a pillow and screamed into it, hugging it tightly as he did. After a minute of muffled screaming he inhaled deeply into the pillow and felt his heart flutter as he  did so. Killua had smelt a familiar scent that made his nose twitch with excitement. It was earthy and sweet...and it smelt of hair gel. It was Gon's scent. He jerked his head from the pillow and gasped for air. After recovering from almost suffocating himself he looked around the room and made sure the door was shut. He let out a deep sigh again, shut his eyes, and flopped over on his side. "I wish he was here right now..." The more that he thought about Gon, the worse the pain in his chest was. "Maybe instead moping around I should get my ass up and do something to take my mind off of it..." He sat back up and released the pillow from his arms, letting in fall to the floor as he pushed himself off the bed. After dusting himself off Killua walked over to the mirror and messed around in his hair for a bit, making sure he looked nice enough to go out in public. He smiled to himself as he fluffed out his hair one last time before reaching into his pocket to grab his phone. "I should probably let Gon know I'm leaving incase he comes home later."

Killua: Hey, I'm heading out to the supermarket to grab some snacks. Let me know if you want anything. (Delivered at 6:37 pm)

After pressing send he shoved the phone back into his pocket and headed towards the bedroom door, opening it wide as he stepped into the living room. As he walked towards the kitchen Killua looked down as he caught glance of white fur, only to be greeted by loud purring and a soft head rubbing against his leg. "Somebody sure did miss me... All you had to do was scratch on the door and we could have hung out while I threw myself a pity party." He bent down to give the cat a soft scratch on the head when he heard his phone go off.

Gon: Ok! I won't be home for a while I'm pretty sure so I guess you could pick me up something tasty!! ^•^ Make sure to grab me some vanilla ice cream ok?
(Delivered at 6:42 pm)

Killua: Ew. Just vanilla? Gross >_>
(Delivered at 6:43 pm)

Gon: Says the one that eats chocolate for hours non stop :/ How do you manage to not explode??? Anyway I've got to go, ttyl.
(Delivered at 6:45 pm)

Killua jumped back, startled, when he suddenly felt a paw bat at his hand, begging for attention. He moved his phone and stuck his tongue out playfully at the cat. "I'll be back in a bit ok? Stay out of trouble while I'm gone." Giving the white cat one last rub on the head he stood up and ran over to the kitchen table, grabbing his keys. "I'm off." With that he walked towards the door and twisted the knob, stepping out into hallway.
After a while of searching the isles Killua finally found it. The limited edition Choco-robo flavor! His face lit up as he picked up the package with a robotic face plastered on it along with the words, "Limited edition" at the bottom in bold. He gave the box a squeeze and in his excitement shouted, "FUCK YEAH!", which could be heard echoing through out the store. He froze with embarrassment. "...why did I do that-" Killua's face was now flushed as he realized several old women were staring at him with sad disappointed looks, talking among themselves. "...Is that young man getting worked up over chocolate...? Kids these days. Never will understand the things they do..." He panicked as he quickly shoved more of the chocolate in his cart, not wanting to be judged further more by the crowd of elderly. After a bit more of looking around he finally made it to the check out. Killua glanced down at the pile of assorted chocolates and ice cream, along with a single card that was decorated in glitter and cheesy photoshop flowers. "Okay...you can do this...once you get home hang out a bit and when the time is right...confess..? Ah shit. I'll just wing it I guess." As he stood deep in thought Killua was jolted out of his world by the cashier's bitter voice. "Sir? Are you ready to be rung up or are you just going to stand there for another five minutes?" Killua flushed again and frantically started to pile his stuff onto the conveyor belt. "Ah sorry! I didn't- I mean I was just-..." The cashier looked at him with a flat expression. "Yeah ok whatever. I don't get paid to listen to your excuses, just let me do the thing I am paid for and get this over with." Killua was taken aback for a moment at the cashier's rudeness but nodded after a second. "Sorry." Once his items were bagged and ready he hastily made his way out of the store. "Well that was...unexpected but okay...guess today just isn't my lucky day." Killua sighed as he trudged up the sidewalk. Walking a mile or two from the store was totally worth it when he got to see Gon smile at the dorky things he bought afterwards. He looked up at the sky and continued walking as he studied the different colors in the sunset. The clouds were tinted in a light pink with dark orange near the barely visible sun. "It sure is nice this evening...not everyday I get to see a sunset like this." Before he knew it he was at the entrance of the apartment complex, the sun being replaced by the moon and stars. The sliding doors to the lobby slid open as he made his way through. He looked around as he headed towards the elevator and stared at the man doing paperwork at the front desk. "He looks so concentrated...why? What's the point really anyway? All of his work...will mean nothing in a few years..." Killua jumped as he heard the elevator doors slide open. "Damnit...I've really got to stop zoning out so much. Especially when I zone out to only think about this depressing shit." He stepped in and punched in his floor number, almost dropping everything he was carrying in the process. He winced as he felt his stomach turn with nervous butterflies and anxiety. Tonight was really the night he would tell Gon his true feelings. "Even if he rejects me it was worth a shot anyway..." He let out a deep sigh as he heard the elevator ding, followed by the doors sliding open. It was time. He couldn't wait any longer. He loved Gon with a burning desire and would do anything to keep him safe. It hurt when he was referred to as his best friend and nothing more than that. Or when Killua knew he couldn't hold Gon the way he wanted and tell him that he loved him. Because he really did love Gon...more than he could ever know. By now Killua had reached the door and was diggging for his keys in his pocket. "Here we go..." He held the key tightly in his hand and shoved it in the door, unlocking it with ease. Killua paused as he walked in and looked around. "The hell?" All the lights had been turned on and clothes had been tossed everywhere, including on the couch. "Gon?" Killua looked around the room as he called his name. "That idiot is probably asleep or something...why did he have to make such a fucking mess though." He listened for a moment and heard movement from the bedroom, followed by laughter. Killua smiled a little and made his way to the bedroom door. Tonight was going to be great. He took a hold of the door knob and and twisted it, pushing open the door with his shoulder as he carried the bags. "Hey Gon, I made sure to buy you that-" He stopped cold.
...Why....why was it never him....

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