Chapter 1: A Race of Time

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Chapter 1

A Race of Time

Tick... tick... tick...

Fact: a second is 1.57 time longer when watching the clock.

It's 1. 76 times longer when only five minutes remain before the day's end, and it's 1.98 times longer on Fridays.

That number grows substantially during the final minute countdown.


Approaching the fatal last minute.


I jolted upright at my name and cursed under my breath.

Mr. Calvin was looking down his nose at me, while holding open our government textbook. "It's your turn to read."

Sucking in my lips, I scanned the page. I glanced to the person beside me. I was even on the right page. The picture didn't even match up. "Shit," I hissed.


I cleared my throat and peered up at the clock again. 20 seconds.

"You weren't following along, were you?" He turned to his desk and picked up his pen.

"No, I was," I stated.

He stopped before making a mark by my name. "Then continue on."

I looked around at the other students watching me. "Well, I just thought that would be a good place to stop. Since..."

The bell sounded. I snatched my bag and dashed out the door. I didn't stop when I exited the building and torn down the street. Reaching my family's apartment building, I darted into the alley and climbed onto the dumpster. I leaped into the air and snatched the fire escape ladder and pulled myself up. I quickly climbed onto the platform and slipped in through the window. I slammed it closed and slide to the ground, breathing heavily.

I made it. A week without having to deal with them.

"You're in my room again," said my sister from the doorway.

Climbing to my feet, I grabbed my bag. "I'd said I switch you anytime."

"Mines bigger. We also have a thing called the front door."

"I prefer this way," I said with a shrug.

She gave me a smirk. "Mitch still after you."

I glared at her. "Don't ask stupid question, Dee." I walked passed her.

"Maybe you should stand up for yourself for once," she called after me.

"Yeah, right after I tell the whole school your real name, Chickadee."

Her nostrils flared. "Do and I'll beat you up worse than Mitch ever did." She slammed her door.

I went to my room and tossed my bag onto the bed. With a sigh, I sat down on the floor and leaned back against the wall below my window. The sad thing is, she would beat the shit out of me. Just like everyone else.


"Phoenix," called Dee, knocking on the door. "Dinner's ready."

"Later," I snapped back.

"Phoenix now." She threw open the door and spotted me and Edgar in the middle of a heated battle on his VI4.

Shaking her head, she folded her arms. "You wonder why you get your ass kick in real life. You can't even win a fight in some made up world."

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