Cali:2 Starting School

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Authors Note: I'm dedicating this Chapter to @_Pizza__Queen_ because she was the first person to vote on my book. Thank you PizzaQueen!!

Tyler's POV

"Tyler?" My mom yelled up the stairs. "Yea mom?" I say as I came down the stairs and into the kitchen. "Don't forget to find Harper after school today and drive slow enough so you won't loose her on the way home, okay?" She said as she opened the door going into the garage. "Alright mom." I responded, right before she closed the door to leave.

I picked up my folder and my keys off of the kitchen counter and than headed to the garage where my mom was pulling out. I got in my car and started off to school.

The school is about a four minute drive from my house so it didn't take too long, and once I got their most of the varsity soccer team were sitting in front of the school waiting for the bell to ring. I parked and walked over to them.

"Hey guys!" I said as I got closer. Riley my one of my best friend said. "Hi!" And than asked me. "So what are you doing this weekend?" I replied with a little frown. "I think I have to stay home all weekend my moms friend is going out of town all week, and so my mom said her daughter Harper could spend the week with us."

"It can't be to bad man." Riley said. "Is she hot?" He asks, to which I reply. "I don't know I haven't meet her yet." "Is that her?" Riley asked as he peered over my shoulder towards a girl walking towards the front office with Max who's on the varsity soccer team with Riley and I leading the way. Max, Riley, and I are best friends and were all really close. "I guess so." I said "I'll go ask her if she's Harper." As I said that Riley jumped of the table he was sitting on and started to walk with me towards the front office. "I'll go with you she's a hottie!" He said.

I have to agree with Riley she is beautiful with a slim yet strong build defiantly not like a lot of the anorexic girls we have at our school. She looks like she runs, but back to her looks. She has dark brown eyes with brown goldish colored hair that reaches a little past her shoulder blades, and she is probably around 5ft 8in.

Harpers POV

I woke up this morning groggy from not getting enough sleep. I ate breakfast, got ready for school, and than asked Siri the directions to my New High School. I drove to school and parked the student parking lot.

In the parking lot I can pick out your usual cliches there are the football jock, and the soccer jock which are pretty cute! There's the cheerleaders, the dances quad, and than your academic stars (The Nerds). And you can't forget the druggies who are all in the corner of the parking lot surrounding a grey van.

As I walk into the main doors I ask a passing student where the front office is. "Its outside." He answered. "Would you like me to show you the way?" "Yes, please!" I say and than follow him out of the front doors I just came through. "My names Max" he says as he leads me to the front office. "I'm Harper." I say, and than he says. "Its nice to meet you!" "Likewise." I say as we stop in front of a desk with a overhang coming off the building covering it.

"Hello Mrs Smith!" Max says. "This is Harper, and she needs her schedule." "Hello Harper!" "I'll print it out right now." Mrs. Smith says and than walks into a office in the back.

She comes right back out a few second later and hands me a piece of paper with my schedule printed on it. "Max, Harpers in your unit would you show her to her classes today?" Mrs Smith asks Max. "Of course!" He says and than turns towards me.

I read about the unit thing they do her. They pick 26 student for each unit that are all taking the same classes and make sure there schedules work out so they all have the same class at the same time. It's supposed to help the student become better friends or something.

"So would you like to go to your locker first?" Max asks. "Yes, let's go there." I say and as we both turn towards the front doors. I look up and see two cute guys that were sitting sitting with the soccer jocks when I pulled up. "Hey max!" the one with dirty blond hair says. "Hey Riley!" Max says as they do a handshake that they obviously made up. "Hey Tyler!" Max says to a boy with dark brown hair, and does the same funny handshake that he just did with Riley. Max has dark black hair, and they all share a slim athletic build and all three are a nice height of around 6ft 2in.

As Max introduces me to his friends I focus back on the conversation and try to stop admiring their good looks.
"Harper this is Riley and this is Tyler." He says and they both reach out to give me a handshake. "It's nice to meet you both!" I say as I receive their handshakes.

"Are you Tyler Grant?" I ask Tyler as we all four walk into the school and down a hallway. "Yes that's me." He says as we come to a locker that I recognize has the same number on it as the locker my paper says I'm assigned to. "Uh, I think I'm supposed to go home with you today, did your mom tell you?" "Yes she did." he replies with a blank expression that I can't read on his face. Does this kid not show emotion?

"I wouldn't mind if you came home with me!" Riley says with a wink at the end. "Haha" I laugh with a little nervousness evident in my voice and than I say. "Sorry it's already been arranged." And that's when Max cuts into the conversation saving me! "Stop being such a flirt Riley your making Harper uncomfortable." Riley smiles saying. "I can't promise anything, but we should get to class the bell is going to ring any second and I don't like detention!" "Okay let's go." Max agrees leading the way into a classroom nearby.

As we all walked into Math Max said. "Tyler and Riley are also in our unit." I nodded to him and than we all sat down in the back corner nearest the door.

The rest of the day went pretty much the same as the first class. We went into class get our work and work on it all class period and than leave, but in English we were pared into groups of two to work on a project the project was a presentation on your partner. What his or her hobbies are what food they enjoy and stuff. I got pared with Max which was great because by the end of the day I knew he was the smartest one out of the three boys.

During lunch I sat with the boys and Riley's little sis Lexi who is a Junior. They joked around and we all had a good time. By the time six period had come around Max had explained that during six period all those that were involved in a sport went to practice and those that weren't went to P.E.

"So do you participate in any sports Riley asked as we walked out to the football field where all the coaches were waiting. "Yes I run Track and Cross Country." I reply. "Awesome!" Riley said. "Than you won't have to go to stupid P.E."

"Over there's coach Cory." "He is the Girls Track and Cross Country coach" Max says gesturing to a coach on the track, and than they all say by and walk over to the other soccer players. I feel like I've just been abandoned they just left me and I wouldn't really mind but number I was number one in sprints at my last region in Salt Lake, and I'm really nervous about tryouts today!

Where will I be on the team after today? I ask myself.

What will happen.....?

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