Cali:3 Track & Soccer

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Authors Note: Hey guys! In sorry it took me so long to update!

Tyler's POV

I haven't talked to Harper that much today, but Max and Riley have. Max has been explaining rules and classes and Riley's been telling jokes all day.

And now we are now all outside on the fields for practice. Harpers on the track and Max, Riley, and I are the soccer field nearest the track.

"Hey, Tyler!" max yells as he kicks the soccer ball to me. "Where did you go?" Riley asks. "Um, I just blanked out." I answered. "Sorry guys." Right after answering Riley question he smirks at me and than looks over at the track where Harper's training.

I've been watching Harper practicing with the other long distance runners, and Riley just caught me staring at her. I feel embarrassed but I shouldn't be. He's the one that said she was hot, so what if I was staring its none of his business. I think as we finish up practice. Why am I even thinking about this I shouldn't have to justify myself when I'm watching someone. I think as we three walk to the side of the field were are bags are.

Harper is sitting by our bags because she's following me home today and she was done with practice five minutes before us and has been watching us play for the last five minutes.

"Did you like what you saw?" Riley asks her. "Oh yes!" Harper says "You are so amazing!" She teases Riley adding a fan girl hand blown kiss.

"Whatever." Riley says with a slight frown at her teasing as he picks up his duffle bag and then we all head towards the parking lot. As we're walking towards our cars Max asks me. "We're all going to your house for dinner right?" "Yes." I reply. "My mom texted me and said to remind you guys its movie night."

"I'm heading home to take a shower and than we will be over." says Riley. "Me too." Max adds. "Okay see you then, bye guys." I say as they get in their cars and drive off.

Now that they've left it's just me, Harper and a few other stragglers in the parking lot. I turn towards her and ask. "Can I see your phone, I'll put my address in it."

"Okay." She says handing over her phone.

I typed in my address and than added my number and sent a text from her phone to mine that said. "Hello!"🐚


I come through the front door and see my mother walking towards the kitchen." Hey mom, I'm home." I say and she turns to me. "Hello, how was practice?" My mom asks me with a smile and then turns back to the salad that's she's beginning to prepare. "It was fine." I say and walk into the kitchen after her.

"So there's a new florist at the shop." My mother tells me. "She has a daughter your age that is transferring into your school, the mother was just married last week so she's leaving on her honeymoon trip with her new husband so I told her that her daughter could come stay with us for two weeks while they are gone." My mother said with a chirpy voice. "Isn't that great?!" "You can show her around and introduce her to all of your friends."

You are way to excited mother is thought, but instead of saying what I thought I said. "I would love to!"

End Of Flashback

"You can follow me or if you get lost or something just start your GPS and my address is on your phone." I say handing her phone back to her.

"Thank you Tyler!" She says and the way my name rolls off her tongue makes me want to kiss her!

What the heck am I thinking we just met!! I say to myself and my cheeks turn a little rosy "You're welcome I'll see you at my house." I say before turning towards my car and getting in.

Authors Note:
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Love Harper

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08, 2016 ⏰

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