chapter 10 - poor Oreo

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Spencers pov

Oreo hasn't been herself lately. Me and Toby are thinking of taking her into the vet

"Mommy is Oreo going to be okay?" Griffin asks

"Oreo is going to be alright, she just has a doctor appointment like you do in 2 weeks" I say

"No not the doctors!!!!!" Griffin says

"Don't worry, you aren't getting any shots" I say

"Okay good" he says

I put Oreo in her cage then we drop off the kids at Melissa's house then head to the vets

"Appointment for Oreo" I say

"Name?" The front desk person asks

"Cavanaugh" Toby says

"Dr. Scott will be ready in 10 minutes" She says so we sit in the waiting room

"Oreo, with the Cavanaughs" Dr. Scott says and we head into the room

"Nice to see you guys again" Dr. Scott shakes our hands

"You too Dr. Scott" Toby says

"So what are the symptoms Oreo has been having?" He asks

"Well she hasnt been eating, she has weight loss, she became very lazy and slow lately, theres also vomiting, diarrhea, and dehydration" I say

"Well it looks like those are some signs of salmonella poisoning" Dr. Scott says

"We made cookies with the kids and Oreo probably got into the leftover cookie dough" Toby says

"Well do some testing to make sure but I'm pretty sure it's salmonella poisoning" Dr. Scott says

"Ok thank you" I say

They finish the tests and come back with the results

She has salmonella poisoning. Poor Oreo

The doctor prescribes some medicine and she should be better soon

We go pick up the kids and head home

"Is Oreo okay?" Zoe asks

"Ya, she's just a little sick" Toby says

"I wanna pway wit Oreo!!!!!!" Tiff says

"Not now sweetie, Oreo needs some rest and she'll be better in a few days" I say

"Ok then" Tiff sighs

We sit on the couch watching Frozen and Oreo is on my lap. I stroke her back and she purrs then slowly falls asleep

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