chapter 15 - Haleb announcement

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Spencers pov

Hanna and Caleb went to their ultrasound today and theyre having everyone over to reveal the gender

I put Zoe, Griffin, and Tiff in their car seats then get in the passenger seat and Toby drives over to Hanna and Caleb's house

We're the last ones there, as usual

Emily and Ali are sitting on a big chair with Tyler sitting on Emily's lap. Ezra and Aria are sitting on the other big chair with Emma sitting on Ezra's lap. Hanna and Caleb are sitting on the couch and Logan is sitting on Caleb's lap. Me, Toby and the kids sit on the couch too. Zoe sits inbetween me and Hanna, Griffin sits in Tobys lap, and Tiff sits on my lap.

"Im so sorry we're late. 3 kids is alot to round up" I say

"I'll have to be taking care of 3 kids soon" Hanna says

"Wait...what so you mean?" Ali asks

"We're having twins!!!" Hanna says

"Omg!!!" Aria says

"Twins like me and Griffin?" Zoe asks

"Yes, except we're having two girls" Hanna says and all the girls squeal in excitement

"Do you have names?" I ask

"Yes" Caleb says

"Hope Lilian Rivers" Hanna says

"And Vivian Rachel Rivers" Caleb says

"Those are my baby sisters!" Logan says and we all laugh

"Those names are adorable!!!" Emily says

"3 girls and 2 boys, we're both outnumbered" Toby says

"Maybe baby number 4 will even that out" I say and hold my stomach

"That's right!!! Youre pregnant too!!!" Aria says

"We're so happy for you guys" Ezra says

"You guys too" Ezra says talking to Hanna and Caleb

"Mommy, why is aunt Hanna fat?" Emma asks and we all laugh

"She's not fat sweetie, she's having two baby girls!" Aria says

"Ooh, sorry aunt Hanna" Emma says and goes up to Hanna and gives her a hug

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