Nevada and Preston's Magical Journey: The Tale of Two Unlikely Friends

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Chapter 3: Small Indonesian Man

The boys wandered aimlessly, not knowing what to do or where to go. They had usually received a hint by now, but they hadn't gotten one yet. A seal. Where were they going to find a seal? They were in the middle of a mossy, brick road and seals usually don't live on brick roads. 

It was beginning to get dark outside, even though it was the middle of the day. Soon, the boys realized they were inside a cave of some sorts. They could see a light at the end, but it was distant. They struggled to carry the blade, the monocle, and the torches. They had no idea how they were supposed to carry a seal. They got closer and closer to the light and soon, they were very close. But the light was so bright, it was almost blinding. They couldn't see anything past it. The boys kept walking farther into the light.

"Are we dead?" Preston asked.

"No, we're not dead, dumbass. Let's just keep walking."  The two simultaneously tripped and fell. But they didn't stop falling. "We're falling!" Nevada shouted.

"Thanks for the information, Captain Obvious. What the hell do we do? There's nothing to grab on to!" Preston shouted. They abruptly hit the ground with a thud. They landed in sand and it was extremely hot.

"Does this stupid scroll think we're seriously going to find a SEAL in the desert!?" Nevada raged. 

"Come on, Nevada. Let's just walk." As they walked, night approached and the desert sand became cooler. It was becoming late, and the boys lied down to sleep, the torches somehow still aflame. That night, Preston just couldn't get comfortable. He tosssed and turned but Nevada was fast asleep. Preston thought the sand would be softer. He thought he must have been laying on a rock or something, so he got up and moved. While he walking away, his claw moved some of the sand and a beacon of bright silver light shone through. Preston dug more to uncover a large, circular object. He woke Nevada and the two sat and stared at the shining object. 

On the front, in very large, fancy print, was written "THE PURRECIOUS SEAL." "Ohhhh.." Nevada said.

"That's what kind of seal the scroll meant.." Preston said. "Well, what the hell does it mean? What are we supposed to do with flames, a blade, and a seal?" The boys were confused. 

All of a sudden, the Seal rose into the sky, and then dropped. It started shaking violently. When it stopped shaking, the ghost of a large frog arose from it. "You must conquer the three challenges that I give you. In the first challenge, you will be transported to Rio, Brazil on Planet Earth. There, you will light the torches to begin the olympics. In the second challenge, you will have to master the game Fruit Ninja in order to pass on to the last challenge. During my last challenge, there will be a small room in which you will meet a very small Indonesian human. He will ask you for a specific item. I do not know what he will ask for, so be prepared." And with that, the frog disappeared. 

"Wait! What do we win if we complete your challenges?" Nevada shouted. But the frog was already gone.

Suddenly, Preston and Nevada were transported to Rio, Brazil. They were right next to the massive torch. Everyone there was a human being and they were astonished by the catlike nature of Nevada and the foxwolf characteristics of Preston. They shrieked in horror. Apparently they had never seen such beings. Nevada quickly lit the torch and they were nowhere in the blink of an eye.

"Great," Preston said. "We're nowhere again." But they weren't nowhere. A large watermelon shot up into the air from the ground. Preston quickly whipped out the blade and slashed it in half. More and more fruit rose from the ground and they kept fighting it off with the blade. High Score! They had won! Immediately after mastering the game, the two were transported to a small room where a small Indonesian full-human sat in a rocking chair. He demanded his necklace. Nevada pulled out the leather strap with the locket on it and gave it to the man. 

"Are you ready to go home now?" The small man asked. The boys both agreed that it was time for them to go home. 

"I guess this is goodbye, Nevada," Preston sniffled. 

"I'm going to miss you, Preston.."

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