Chapter 1

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I eventually ended up In Dublin, Ireland. A few weeks after I arrived, I got a letter, from Switzerland. I did not know anyone from Switzerland and then I read the letter. I could tell immediately by The handwriting that it was from Leisel. Apparently, her and her family made it to Switzerland. I was thrilled that she was safe. She thanked me for sparing her family. Not much else was said. It was mainly just a letter of thankfulness and reassurance. But at the end of the letter, she wrote something that made my heart skip. She asked me if I would like to come to Switzerland with her family. Max had told them that I ran from Austria. Her mother, Maria, didn't exactly approve of me but she would allow me to stay, and try to make amends. But the captain was a different story. Did not approve, though I do not know why. I had done nothing to ever offend or disrespect him in anyway. And yet this was my predicament. Hated by her father and accepted by her mother. She told me to meet her at a café in some little town I never heard of. But this was my one chance to be with her again.

And so I left Dublin. I made my journey back to the war zone of Europe. I found the odd little town and had trouble finding the café. I didn't even know if she would be there. I'd been dreaming of this moment ever since I left Dublin. And then I saw her.

Choose sitting at a table near the back of the café. Her beautiful face, captivated me. I have no words to describe the joy I felt. I rushed in, and she glanced up and saw me. Small that appeared on her face, left me breathless. She leaped into my arms, and huger me till I could hardly breathe. "Rolf, you really came!" She said in joy.

"Leisel, I could never stay away from you." I responded. "Oh, I brought you a gift from Dublin." I opened my bag, and took out a small box. "Here." I smiled and she took it from my hands. She opened the box and gasped and started to cry.

"Oh Rolf, it's beautiful." I held out my hand to take the necklace from her. She gave it to me and turned around. And just then I heard a shout from behind me.

"Leisel!" The Captain belted. "You are not allowed to run off like that." I spun around to face him. "What is he doing here?"

"Oh father, I invited him here. I want you to give him a chance." Leisel begged. She turned to me with a smile. "I think I love him."

"No." He said. He turned to me, "You are to return from whence you came. And tell nobody of our location. Now begone." I looked Leisel and put my arm around her.

Still looking at her, "I'm sorry sir , but I will not. I have come from Dublin just to see her. I am not going to leave."

"Why you..."

"Oh Rolf, you're here." Maria smiles. "Leisel has missed you very much." She turns to the Captain, "Georg, You aren't making this poor boy leave without a meal are you?" The Captain glares at Maria. "Come let's go home and have dinner." She winks to me. I guess she does approve. Leisel takes my hand and pulls me out the door.

We arrived a nice little house. Leisel's brothers and sisters are standing outside waiting for them. When we get to the porch the littlest one speaks. "Father, who is that?"

Maria picks her up and says, "this is Leisel's very good friend from home."

"Oh, does he know uncle Max? "

"Yes, he does. Come on kids, let's go have dinner. "The Captain holds open the door and everyone rushes inside With Leisel pulling me by my hand. I glance up at the Captain and he gives me a harsh glare.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : May 16, 2013 ⏰

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