Chapter 1

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Like any story there is a beginning,middle and end well my story has no end.i live in a small town called lember. Lember is the gloomiest towns on earth.population 2000,Well let me start from the beginning.

Hi,my Bella Walker and I'm different to most people. Well actually I'm part of a small group called... Vampires. I am 17 and will be 17 for the rest of time. You might be thinking"but Bella how did you become a vampire?" Well actually it was in 1904. I had been in an accident and was taking my last breaths when my Vampire step-dad bit me. The pain was excruciating, it felt worse than I already did.after about 5 minutes I realized what I was.i had the sudden urge to bite someone,something. But over the years I have learned to control myself.i have 4 siblings Casper,Anna,James and Nancy. They have been vampires for longer than I have.we have stuck together it's awesome. Well let me tell you the story .  1 I can't be homeschooled for my mom died of devastated  ,but she's the 2nd mom I've had over the I've decided to move in with dad and my siblings.Im just moving schools and horses to move to Lember with my I miss him.
I was driving to the airport with my aunt." Don't you miss the sun darling?" She said,she knows I'm a vampire."no,I can't remember how it feels."I told her."when last were you in the sun?" She asked."1920" I awnsered."wow,that's when you grandmother was born!"she said."she yeah,crazy" I said gloomily."so how old are you really?" She asked "129"her eyes widened. "I'm going to miss your constant look of hunger" she laughed."yeah well at least they have more blood there!"I said jokingly.i don't think she was impressed.

"Hurry long darling!your going to be late!"she called "love you!"I said hugging her. Then I sped into the plane.did I mention I had super speed? Well I do. I also have super strength and can read peoples minds.i sat down and looked back at my old home now I was going to go to a completely new one with my family. That appreciate vampire humor!

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