Ch. 0 The Parting

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I peered over the land from the small cliff my father had once brought to. Nothing but silence what heard not birds chirp not even the snapping of a stick telling me some one was near. With my wings held high I released a long sad roar watching the cloud that had once been my home float away.

I bet your wondering what is happening right, well it's kind of a long story. Let me just say a dragon like me was never meant to me a princess. I like to be free not cooped up in some dusty old castle. But that is why I'm here and not up there with my family and friends.

Now its time for me to get use to the dragons of earth and... HUMANS.

----- OK I know it's a short chapter but it's my first and hopefully the worst I will ever write. Please comment and like ----

p.s Twilight is the dragon up there also the main charater.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2015 ⏰

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