Guess Who's Back!

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Hehehe... sorry for the long disappearance...Again...I make no promises but I'll try to update this more frequently than I have been. Oh, and I'm still gonna use the same characters even though some are dead or MIA *cough* Leo *cough*

Percy Jackson posted:

Uggggg! School sucks! Wish I was at CHB :(

Annabeth Chase, Leo Valdez, Piper McLean, and 39 others liked this


Annabeth Chase: yeah I miss you seaweed brain!

Jason Grace: At least you don't have to put up with Octavian


Piper McLean: Shut it Octavian

Octavian: Bring it on Greek!

Piper McLean: MAX!

Max Talbott: Yeah Piper?

Piper McLean: remember that idea we had a while ago?

Max Talbott: You don't mean The Plan? Do you?

Piper McLean: Yes, yes I do

Max Talbott: You better watch your back Octavian because you are about to feel the wrath of the daughters of Hecate and Aphrodite 

Octavian: oh shit...

Piper McLean added 50 photos to the album "Don't Mess With me Octavian"

Percy Jackson, Nico Di Angelo, Hazel Leveque, and 99 others like this


Leo Valdez: lolololololololololol

Percy Jackson: Nicely done

Max Talbott: Why thank you :)

Hazel Leveque: Why the atomic wedgie?

Piper McLean: Because yolo

Octavian: That was cruel, even for you two

Max Talbott: Oh, we know that

Piper McLean: That's why we did it

Connor Stoll: HEY

Travis Stoll: WE

Connor Stoll: HELPED

Travis Stoll: TOO

Annabeth Chase: I'm surprised that you two knew the correct form of 'too'

Connor Stoll: BE

Travis Stoll: NICE

Connor Stoll: ANNABELLE!

Annabeth Chase: ...

Leo Valdez: Run Stolls, run

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