Truth or Dare Part 3: the game

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Hey peoples! Soooo sorry for the late update. I'm moving and just haven't had time to write, but it's here now! Hope you enjoy. PS Athena is going to have the name Carrie, not whatever I said last time. Dedication to Jaitlyn and Tamagotchifart for alot of the truths and dares. 

Piper's POV

I walked up the stairs to Percy's apartment with Max. She had needed a ride even though she's 16. "I think this is it," I said when we reached the apartment. Max knocked on the door. After a few seconds Annabeth came and opened the door. She smiled and lead us to the living room. Almost everyone was there all we needed now were the kids from Camp Jupiter and a new girl named Carrie.

After a few minutes the CJ people arrived. I gave Jason a kiss and I could swear that Reyna growled at me. About a minute later, Carrie arrived. I heard Annabeth mutter something about her looking strangely familiar, but I didn't really care. This game was going to be awesome. Once everyone was settled down, we tried to decide who would start.

"I think that Connor should go first," said Travis

"NO! Travis should go first," Connor yelled

"How about Percy goes first since he through the party," Annabeth suggested

Everyone murmured with agreement. Percy looked around the the group to see who would be the first victim. He smiled when he decided. "Octavian. Truth or dare?"

The augur look nervous. "Umm.... dare."

Percy's smile got even bigger. "I dare you to put ice down your pants."

Everyone burst out laughing as Percy and Octavian walked into the kitchen. Jason And Leo looked like they were about to pee their pants. Even Nico had a small smile on his face. When they came back, Octavian looked ready to kill and he also looked in pain. Max had fallen backwards off a chair and was laughing hysterically on the ground.

"Why did I ever agree to this," Octavian grumbled, "Jason. Truth or dare."

"Truth your iciness." That got Max, Percy, Leo, Connor, Travis, and Thalia laughing again.

"Did you ever have a crush on Reyna."

"No," Jason said with ease as he went back to talking to Leo. I looked over at Reyna. She looked heartbroken. "Leo. Truth or dare dude?"

"Dare. Cuz I'm just a rebel like that."

"I dare you to go up to peoples doors and ask them if they want to go to Candy Mountain with you." Everyone knew that those two were absolutely obsessed with Charlie the Unicorn.

"Ok, but you have to come with me to make sure that I don't get killed by the old lady who lives next door," Leo said as he bounce to the door with Jason trailing behind them.

They came back a few minutes later. "Oh gods! She almost killed me!" Leo yelled as they ran back inside. It seems that they had asked a little kid if he wanted to go to Candy Mountain with them and apparently his mom was home and chased them away with a frying pan because she thought that they were rapists.

Max's POV

I was laughing my head off when Leo came back in with Jason. Gods those two will probably get themselves killed before any monster could. I only half heard what Leo dared Annabeth to do since I was listening to music. All I know is that her and Piper went into the bathroom and when they came out Annabeth had a crap ton of makeup on. As she walked back to her seat, she smacked Leo on the side of his head.

I was listening to Therapy by All Time Low (Sorry. i love this song) when Thalia nudged me. I glanced over at Annabeth, she was motioning for me to take off my ear buds. Once I could hear her properly she asked, "Truth or dare?"

"Truth," I said with a smirk. No way was I going to do some stupid dare!

Leo leaned over and whispered something into her ear. Oh shit I'm sooo dead.

"If you could date a god of the same gender, who would it be?" Annabeth asked with a smirk. Remind me to kill Leo later

"I don't know. Athena I guess since she's smart and stuff. That was a messed up question!" I yelled/screamed at Annabeth and Leo. They were laughing as I yelled at them. Glaring, I looked around for the poor soul that was about to face my wrath. I grinned evilly as I decided on the new chick, Carrie. 

"Hey Carrie!" I said, my grin growing, "Truth or dare?" 

The room was silent, waiting for her answer. Being a child of Hecate, I could come up with a whole ton a different dares that would be completely humiliating. "Ummm....." she started, "Dare?" 

I gave her the grin of complete evil and amusement. "I dare you to dance on top of the Big House.." I paused. "...In a whale costume." Everyone burst out laughing, Carrie giving me the death glare. 

Percy's POV

Oh gods this was going to be good! If looks could kill, Max would be dead by now. Max mumbled something in what I was guessing was Latin and all of a sudden Carrie was in a whale costume! Jason, Leo and I were laughing to no end. 

After I was done laughing I asked, "How are we gonna get to the Big House?" Max paused and shrugged. 

"Maybe Nico would shadow travel Carrie and I?" she asked Nico. He shrugged and nodded, "Sure." he said. They shadow traveled away and we waited for them to come back. Max promised to get this on tape for everyone to see. I grinned and sat back, waiting.

Athena's (Carrie) POV

I glared at the girl that just dared me. How dare she dare me to do such a ridicules thing! And in a costume that was that Seascum's father's creation! The girl mumbled something in Latin and all of a sudden I was in a whale costume! I thought of revealing my cover right then, but I was reminded of the ridicule I would get from the others. Hades son got us to the camp, we were on the roof. Of course...The girl, I believe I heard someone call her Max, started playing music. 

She grinned and told me, "It's dub step." She held up a camera. I sighed and started dancing. After the song was done, we went back to the Seascums house. She mumbled some more words in Latin and the ridicules costume was gone, leaving me in my street cloths from earlier. I sighed again and decided to ask the Seascum, "truth or dare?"

He grinned that idiotic grin of his and said, "Truth...wait, nah I choose dare!" 

I thought of a dare worth of such idioticness. "I dare you to...Dress up like a girly-girl." Don't judge. It was the best I could come up with. Seascum freaked out, Thalia, Annabeth, Piper, and Max dragged him to his room. About five minutes later, he was dragged back out and was in all pink. 

Annabeth's POV

I won't go into details about getting him like this. Let's just say it involved Piper's makeup skills, Thalia's strength to keep him from bolting, my ideas, and Max's magic to get him like this. He had a bright pink mini skirt on, a pink tank top, pewdiepie pigtails ((ya know, like when he puts a little bit of hair up on top of his head --------------> pic is to the right)) and stripper high heels. Max shouted as he walked back to everyone, "Walk sassy!....Persassy!!!!" Percy sat down and crossed his legs, pretending to flip his hair behind his shoulders.

"The fabulous me says, truth or dare Connor," Percy said to one of the Stoll twins.

Connor grinned and said, "I chose..."

To be continued!!

Hey snowflakes!! I'm soooooo sorry for the long wait! Thank you for not bugging me to update and I promise there will never be that long of a wait again! If it's getting to be a month before I update, feel free to say something to me. All I ask is that you'd be polite about it. I'm stuck at the Public Library for an hour or two so I was like, "I should write for my snowflakes!" (which is my readers btw. You are my snowflakes!) Well here's the story! I'm working on Part 4. There might be some extra chapters in between because it can be more time consuming to write like this, but I will try to update more often! Peace out my little snowflakes 

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