•Two: Flaming Beards•

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•Two: Flaming Beards•

"Hey, kid, want some candy?"

I frowned at the bikers looking at me with wicked smiles and turned, scanning the mall parking lot for Shawn.

He'd left me here a few minutes ago, told me not to move because he'd find me anyway, and left to do an 'errand' or some shit.

"Umm, I'm not very sure I should move from this very spot, Shawn may get mad at me," I stated as I shook my head disapprovingly.

One of the biker dudes, who had a sick black beard the size of Texas, chuckled and waved the idea off. "I'm sure Shawn wouldn't mind."

"Yeah, Shawn is probably okay with it," another one added.

I bit my bottom lip and scrunched up my nose in thought. "Well, candy does taste better when you eat it with a bunch of strangers."

The guys chuckled and I frowned. "Why are you laughing?"

"My name is Jeff, sweetheart," Jeff said. He was the one with the long ass beard. It reached past his shoulders and had a few graying hairs on it, he was tall. Very tall. Probably taller than Shawn.

"I'm Oliver." I turned and came face to face with Oliver. He had the most beautiful green eyes, he was pale and had a small scar that ran diagonally on his left cheek. He couldn't have been older than 19.

I smiled at Oliver- because he was honestly a very fine specimen- and turned to the last biker dude. He was bald, was even taller than Jeff, and seemed to have a glare etched on his face. "People call me Chuckles," he chimed in gruffly.


"I chuckle a lot when I rip the flesh off of the bodies of my enemies," he explained with the most serious expression ever.



•Shawn's P.O.V•

"What are you going to do with her?" Pam asked as she angrily wiped the smudge on the booth.

"I don't fucking know, Pam." I admitted as I ran my hands through my hair, "I wanted to kill her at first, but I couldn't do it."

Pam turned around and cleaned her hands on her apron, giving me an incredulous look. "You kill people for a living, bitch, what you mean you couldn't do it?"

I scowled at her. "I couldn't bring myself to do it. There's something about her-"

"She's just a girl, Fox," she scoffed as she threw her apron on the nearest counter. "Wait, you're not. . . in love with her, are you?" she laughed.

"Fuck no," I spat as I remembered Collins. She irritated the shit out of me, she couldn't keep still and she was reckless.

Pam smiled at me. "I miss working with you guys," she stated. Pam worked for a small bakery located somewhere in the mall. She was one of the best fighters in our team, but she had to retire because her father- our boss- didn't want her working as an assassin.

"We miss you too, Pam," I smiled back at her and wrapped my arm around her shoulders. "Now, about this witness situation. . ."

Pam rolled her eyes at me and looked back at one of her co-workers. "Seth, cover me, will ya?"

The scrawny boy behind the counter nodded. "O-of course, P-Pam." It didn't take rocket science to figure out that Seth had a mad crush on her.

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