•Three: Fight me, Bitch•

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•Three: Fight me, Bitch•

"So you're like, never letting me go?"

Shawn grit his teeth and groaned in response.

I'd been bothering him for the last hour while he typed away in his laptop, but in my defense, he wouldn't let me do or go anywhere. If he was going to bore me to death, then I was going to annoy him.

"Is that a yes?"


"So it was a no?"


"So is that a yes."

Shawn growled and pressed even harder on the keyboard. It was kinda cute how much he hated me. He'd always make these hilarious face expressions while I was around, which was pretty sad and funny at the same time.

"So you are going to let me go at one point, right?" 

He snapped his head towards mine and narrowed his eyes into small slits. "The only way you'll be getting out of my sight is if you suddenly get Amnesia or die. Let's wish for the second one," he muttered the last part and went back to typing some shit.

Whoa, why did both ways end up with me getting hurt!

"But, I'm Batman! I cannot get Amnesia or die because I am fucking smooth," I explained.

Shawn scoffed and raised his eyebrows. "Batman my ass."

I gasped at the insult. "Fight me, bitch!"  I exclaimed and stood up all high and mighty.

Shawn turned, looked at me carelessly and stood up. Even though he towered over me by a lot, he didn't intimidate me.

He leaned down until he was at my face level. "Bring it on, princess," he whispered.

He was just a few inches away from my face, and my eyes couldn't help but flicker to his plump pink lips.

"What the fuck was that?" Shawn questioned and backed away from me, "What the actual fuck was that?"

Fuck, fuck, what was what? Fuck.

"What?" I asked as I slumped back down on my chair next to Shawn's desk.

"That right there-" he pointed at my eyes- "Was the universal sign for 'kiss me'. I know I'm hot, Collins but come on, I though you had a little more self respect."

I was never really the shy one at school, I'd always been the outgoing crazy girl at school, but despite that fact, I couldn't help the blush that made it's way on my cheeks.

"Look, I really don't care what you do but please refrain from doing that while you're with me."

I opened my mouth, and tried to rack my head for an awesome comeback, but nothing came to me.

Way to make a fool out of yourself, Collins.

Shut up, inner conscience, no one is talking to your ratchet ass.

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