Chapter 5

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I knew what I was doing was wrong but at this point I don't give a fuck. As much as Chris didn't want to admit it he was mines and I knew damn sure I was his, tonight it was gonna be known.

After attacking each others lips like we were still in high school, I pushed him back. "Make love to me" I looked in his dark lustful eyes


"Wh-" he put his finger against my lips and leaned down to my ear

"We'll make love another time, tonight we fucking and I'll make sure I'll blow out your back" I licked my lips at how dirty he was trying to get

We looked at each other for a little bit and I felt his warm hands move from my waist and get a good grip on my hair. "Take your clothes off baby girl" he pecked me once more and let me go

I backed up and began taking my pajamas off slowly just to tease but soon I realize he was become impatient

"Hurry the fuck up or I'll rip them off for you" he mean mugged me hard and I hurried the pace leaving myself in only my black lace bra and thong.

"Go upstairs I'll meet you up there in a few" I nodded and proceeded to go upstairs.

Chris POV

I watched her as she slowly climbed up the stairs all I can think is damn but I was also feeling fucked up because what I'm doing to Kae. It's just something Y/n does to me that makes me come back now matter how much I say I gotta stay away... I can never stay away.

"Fuck" I sighed and rubbed my head

I know I shouldn't do this but fuck it, I'll deal with the consequences later. I walked upstairs to her room where she was waiting on the bed and licked my lips. I took off my white shirt and red cap then threw it somewhere on the ground.

She was at the edge of the bed and I kneeled in front of her. I planted gentle kisses on her neck and her shoulder as I slowly unsnapped her bra and dropped it on the floor.

I pushed her back on the bed and crawled in between her legs. My fingers slid inside her panties to her second lips past the slit

"Damn baby I made you this wet" I rubbed her pussy and her bud flinched against my touch

Propped herself on her elbows as she moaned and her back arched while I played with her breast with my tongue.

"F...fuck" she hissed and closed her eyes

- 2 hour later

We were laying in silence, her head was on my chest and my fingers traced along her back. I can't even say that I regret anything because I don't. Even if we try to stay away from each other it's like we can't but me and her both know this can't continue on.

I know what y'all are thinking...why is Chris denying the love he has for Y/n but it was never that simple. Every time we got something going good I fuck it up so I just want her to move on to better things. I hear the light snores coming from her so I leave a kiss on her forehead and I carefully get out of the bed. I shuffle fast to get my clothes on because I know Kae is already on the look out for me and I ain't even tryna argue with her ass tonight. After getting dressed I check on Jamila once more before heading out back to the crib.

On the way home I decided to call Red to give him a heads up that I'ma need him to lie for me. I looked through my call log and found his name, I tapped it once and it began to ring.

"Yo what's happenin" he picked up breathing hard

"Ayo I got some important shit to tell you" I told him while pulling up in the drive way and putting the car on park

"Spit then nigga"

"Me and Y/n had sex" I didn't hear nothing on the phone it's like it went dead

"Come again" he said sounding like he was getting out of bed or something

"Me and Y/n fucked tonight" I rolled my eyes sighing

"How the fuck did that go down" I shook my head not even knowing where to start

"It just happened like we were in the moment and I know we both didn't want it to stop so we just went with the flow" I rubbed the back of my head

"How you gonna explain this to Kae ?"

"I'm not, I plan on keeping this a secret" I sat back in my seat

"But listen in case if she wilds out and she need some proof when I call you for back up can you say yes when I tell her I was with you tonight" I took the key out the ignition

"Yeah I got you man" I got out the car and headed up the stairs

"Thanks man" I hung up before I can reach the door so she don't hear what I'm saying just in case her mosey ass is creeping behind the door.

New Flame (Book 3 Of Damage)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant