Chapter 2

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   I get home, hands clammy and cold from the intensity of class today.  My mom is squinting into the fridge, trying to find something to eat when I walk up the stairs, so I turn to get to my room hoping my mom won't notice and continue on with business as usual. Tip...toe...Tip...toe...I was walking as slowly and quietly as I could down the hallway, and to be honest I was actually doing a good job. If I do say so myself. But right as I think I'm getting away with relaxing alone, she turns and snaps her fingers. Loudly. I can feel my facial features turn to a frown, as they seem to do so often lately. Turning on my heels to face the kitchen, I let out a deep breath and walk. Actually, I stomped.

   Oh, did she look pissed. When I sat down on the stool I look at her with my deep brown eyes, going through the possible answers to any question she could ask, and the ones that shouldn't be asked. But of course, they probably would be. Her face looked determined, almost as if we were competing for the Nobel prize and I was winning. My stomach started to twist up as I imagined what she could be so serious about...she's never serious. Like, ever.

  "Ohhhhh Vivian...Vivian Vivian Vivian. How nice to see you." She said with her jaw clenched and fists balled up until her knuckles were white. I gulped, loudly enough til she heard it and put her head down.

  "Lets get this clear, mmk?" She started, taking a second to figure out how she wanted to break the news to me. To be honest, I was seriously scared. Never has she ever been this ma-
"DON'T LEAVE YOUR FRICKING SOCKS ON THE FLOOR!!" She screamed to the point of me actually holding a finger up to my ear. Oh, crap. This morning I was so...UGH. As I was about to tell her the whole story, mouth open, she held up a finger and motioned for me to stop. I didn't hesitate to listen. For a moment, we just stared at each other. But then I got up, stretched my back, and continued on with what I was doing. Her menacing voice entered my life once again:
"Pick. Up. The socks."  I nodded in return, apparently failing to meet her expectations for a response, which I was then returned with a scowl. As she turned around to go back to the fridge, I bolted straight to my room and slammed the door.

   Normally I would get in deep trouble for this, but after my mom chews me or my 8 year old sister out, she's pooped and doesn't care anymore. So basically I can get away with almost anything. I walked over to the window, feeling the soft carpet floor under my feet squish as I took each step. My bed was to the left, sitting there as colorful as ever from the bedspread I asked for on my 11th birthday, yet still at 14 it was there. I thought about lying down, taking a nap to try and calm myself down from the emotional roller coaster I rode at My Mind World, the amusement park, but I heard a low voice down below. We lived out in the country side of town, with no neighbors or chickens or cows but grass and 1 horse for each family member. I opened my window a smidge and listened. Nothing.

   As I closed the window though, I heard another sound. It sounded like a guy saying 'crap' as quiet as possible. A guy...with a friend? Weston. He knows where I live, and he knows my phone number. We hang out pretty often, as he just lives a couple miles down the road from me with a farm of his own. No, we aren't dating, but I just want to be...Damn his beautiful green eyes!

   "Hey dipstick!" I called down, sticking my head out the window and smiling to let him know I was joking. "What're you doing here!" My tone was jokeful, almost as if I was trying to make him love me. Well...I was. So? I could love him just as I love my family, hoping one day he will love me the same. You can't blame me though, because at five foot nine and dirty blonde hair, he was gorgeous.
"Uh...Nothing!" He called back, mischievous tone in his voice. "Just, um...looking at your horses!" He said, pointing to them a whole 40 feet away. I rolled my eyes.
"Where are your binoculars?" I called sarcastically, hoping he would just tell me what's up. But he's Weston, so that's not even close to possible.

   "Hahaha your funny haha. Um...could you...come out here for a second?" He said. My stomach started to twist and turn, but I knew he didn't mean it like the way I wanted. So I grabbed some shoes and headed downstairs, seeing my mom still in the fridge mumbling to herself on the way. As I opened the door, my sister Kenna made her way inside, yelling "OUT OF MY WAY, LOSER." as she came in. I didn't pay any mind too it, being a norm in the house.

   I got outside and trotted around back to Weston, where he was making hand motions in the opposite direction of me. Crap. He's pulling a prank. Well, time get his ass before he gets mine. As he was making hand motions, I quietly stalked up behind him and stood there, waiting for his notice. It took forever, but I finally saw the universal "What?" Hand motion, and then saw him go completely still and turn around to face me. His expression looked tight, as if he were trying to mask sever pain that had just occurred. Again, he started with "um", his trademark tell.

   "Um...hey Vivian. You weren't supposed to come out so quickly..." he started. I looked at him, putting a bored face on, and crossed my arms. This jerk thought he could outsmart me. What a freak.
"Oh, really? And why is that?" Just as I finished my high pitched sentence, I felt a gooey, creamy, fowl smelling substance land heavily on my head and make its way slowly down my back. I had no idea what to do, with just standing there being my best option. So I stood, obviously not giving him the show he wanted. And that's when I felt it. My stomach acid felt as if it were boiling, gag reflex making an appearance as the star of the show. I tried not to let it go, but I couldn't help myself. I saw what that freaks did to me, and it wasn't pretty. Cow shit covered my head and back, and the smell wasn't making it any better.

   So I barfed. I covered my shoes, his shoes, the ground and even some of his shirt. For a moment every thing was still, not a soul making a sound or moving. And then Weston.
"AWESOME!!" He said as he punched the air in triumph. I have no idea why I ever liked him, but it was starting to be clear I probably shouldn't. His buddy walked down to him fast and they fist-bumped, doing a little explosion afterwards. I double flipped them off, both hands, doing a little dance at the same time. They just laughed.

   I hate boys.

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