Chapter 5

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I hear the sirens going off in the distance, and realize that my phone call had actually went through to 911, although there was no hope now. My dad was still holding my mother in his hands, and I saw the hatred for whoever did this in his eyes, not only burning but cold as ice. His heart had a lock over it, a small cage that nobody had ever been able to penetrate with anything, even when he was drunk and vulnerable. This lock had finally found it's key, the one he had never wanted to find...the one he had never intended to keep somewhere inside of him. So now the whole family was crying, right as the ambulance pulled up and the paramedics jumped out quicker than I could have. They ran upstairs to find her body in my fathers arms, and I could feel the empathy vibrating off of their bodies.

Slowly, her body was removed from his arms, and it took everything I had to keep more tears from flooding my face. Once she was onto the stretcher, my fathers arms dropped. And so did his hopeful expression. This was the one time where I had a chance to make him feel better instead of the other way around. So I climbed the stairs, legs wobbling as I did so, and made my way to his limp body. As he saw me coming towards him, he outstretched the arms that once held my mother so closely, both laughing...and crying. And now I felt how Kenna felt when I held her not hours before. Safe, close, and sore. Not on the body, but the heart.


"Hey byotch." Weston said to me as I walked through the front doors of the school. I smiled a weak smile and told him to go "Frick yourself." We laughed together and started to walk towards my locker, all the way across the school.

"So..." he said, and as he said it he had the tone that told me I was going to loath the news.

"Just tell me" I said, making sure he realized that I was not in the mood. But this was Weston. So he carried on anyway. I let out a long, award worthy breath that he easily ignored.

"I just wanted to say..." he stopped again, and I rolled my eyes. He did this pretty often, making me guess and all probably isn't the best idea he has ever had. Nobody said anything for a long while, and we were about to my locker. I started to wonder why he was talking to me. And why I liked it a lot.   

   Sometimes we talked, yeah, but that was outside of school. Inside of school he was mister tough rough and buff, talking to only the most popular guys and girls, even though he was fairly new to the school. But right before I stopped to open the empty void of everything that is my locker, he said something that scared me to death.

"Life speeches are today." Shocked, I then did the opposite of earlier, because instead of letting my breath go in a big, loud sigh, I held it to the point of almost passing out. Unintentionally, of course.

So now I was full out panicking. I leaned against the locker, trying to catch my breath, all the while rubbing my temples. Because I totally hadn't even written it yet.


   "So that is why..." A girl at the front of the classroom, Chriss, started, her voice wavering and cracking with the last word. "I should live, not only for my family..." She stopped once again, her breath very obviously caught in her throat. "But for my future." This was the end of her speech, we all realized, and started to clap. It wasn't half bad, actually. The speech itself was impeccable, let alone this last sentence.

   What surprised me the most, though, was the fact that the teacher looked astonished. This had happened only once before, with a highly recognized graduate of the high school. I looked down at my paper, blank and dull, as I thought of what I could possibly write and how bad it would be even if I did.

   Chriss looked happy with herself, very happy, as she flipped a piece of dark brunette hair behind her shoulder and started back to her seat. This is then when I looked over to Weston, his nails shorter than ever, which was hard to believe. Even when he's not nervous, he's still chewing those babies off like it's his job.

   I started to daydream, staring at Weston still. The teacher said something, but it was ignored due to beautiful blue eyes that you want to swim in and luscious hair that you could just sleep in...

   "Vivian!" The teacher yelled again, and I was quickly thrown out of my trance into reality. What first started as heaven, then changed to pure heck.

   "Your turn. Please turn in your speech, and start reading at the front of the class. It should be memorized."

   I looked down at my paper, sweat flowing down my face and dripping off of it, and found that there were no words written, not even a title.

   Well, shit.

Hope you guys liked it!
More to come, and thanks for reading!

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