10. Charms Homework

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Dedicated to PotterFreak_12
Charms Homework - Lesson One - The Hover Charm, the Rocket Charm, the Floating Charm, the Levitation Charm and the Eradication spell.
Word count: 520 words.
Quill: Eagle feather quill.
Parchment: 1 roll.
Ink: Black ink.
(The word count does not include the words in or above these brackets)


The Hover Charm, the Rocket Charm and the Floating Charm are all derived from the Levitation Charm, Wingardium Leviosa. Each are lesser variations of it, being able to perform only aspects of what the Levitation Charm can do.

The Levitation Charm itself has the ability to raise an object, however heavy it may be, into the air and move it through the air in whichever direction the witch or wizard may require/want the object to go. The object can be any size, shape, form or weight...except for human, and, even if the witch or wizard is not capable of carrying the object, the strength of the Levitation Charm is capable of doing so.

However, the Levitation Charm can NOT lift a human being because the charm does not have the strength enough to lift their body. The person's clothes, on the other hand, are capable of being levitated by the Levitation Charm and this can cause/result in the person being levitated a few feet off of the ground.

The Hover Charm, one of the three variations of the Levitation Charm, only has the ability to make the object hover in one place off the ground. This charm requires direct contact between the witch or the wizard and the object intended to hover. This can cause some complications if the witch or wizard needs to move away from the object that has been subjected to the Hover Charm as the charm would no longer be in affect. The Hover Charm also does not allow for the witch or wizard to control the movement of the object while hovering.

The Rocket Charm is another of the three derivations of the Levitation Charm. The Rocket Charm allows the object to lift at a fast pace into the air and relies a lot upon the concentration and willpower of the witch or wizard who is casting the spell. Once in the air, much like a muggle rocket, the object will not stay permanently in the air and will always return to the ground. Another thing that could result in some inconvenience for the witch or wizard or people around him/her is the fact that the caster is not able to control in which direction the object goes.

The Floating Charm is the last variation of the Levitation Charm. Very alike to the Hover Charm, the Floating Charm has the ability to 'float' an object in the air but, unlike the Hover Charm, it does not require direct contact with the object. The caster of the Floating Charm is also in possession of the power to control in which direction the object goes. Although, with this charm, the object is only able to go up and down...but the caster can still control how much by.


The Eradication spell can be used for two different purposes. True to its title, both purposes are used to 'eradicate' something. The first purpose is to disintegrate an object or a target, leaving almost nothing behind. The other purpose is to erase any traces of the last spell a specific wand has produced...kind of like an internet delete on the muggle devices they call 'mobile phones'.

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