My Character's Information

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Name: Lorelei Kytherna

Age: 11

Gender Female

Looks: A mixture of dark blue, dark pink, green, purple, violet, blonde, black and brown, her silky hair reaches all the way down to her waist in thick sheets, the multitude of colours catching the light every time she turns. Eyes of deep dark brown glow with eternally mischievous spirit behind wide black glasses, always smiling maliciously at everyone she meets. At five foot two inches, she stands just smaller than most of her friends and, at almost half a stone overweight, she is just a bit too chubby for her liking. Two long thick scars adorn her body from what she claims are childhood accidents - one running the full length down the center of her back and the other along the width of her stomach. Flushed skin graces her face during stages of almost every emotion, making it hard to conceal them...but she manages.

Personality: Although an, albeit proud, owner of a naturally mischievous and deceitful personality, Lorelei finds it easy to get along with most people, although sometimes making lifelong enemies - as well as friends - along the way. She strives to see the best in those around her but, if someone has the audacity to anger or betray her, she can become their worst nightmare. Prone to tricking and pranking people, she relies on her wit and quick-thinking to get her out of most sticky situations but, if those devices fail her, she will accept whatever punishment she is given, wearing it as a medal of her achievements. Several self-confidence issues sometimes clash with the rest of her personality, but they mostly stay out of the way. A troubled past has taught her to bottle up her emotions so her trouble-maker mask fits her well, hiding all of the unwanted feelings.

Other: With a non-wizarding family heritage and a lack of knowledge of her world, Lorelei crashed through her first eleven years of life with no idea who she was. At age seven, her eighteen year old brother overdosed on heroin, placing himself first in a comatose state and then, just two weeks later, the morgue. At age nine, her sixteen-year old brother and sister were involved in a car-crash, scarring them emotionally - and physically - for the rest of their lives, to the point, years, later, they would still wake up, screaming and crying. At age ten, a fire ravaged her home, killing her father and sending her mother into an inescapable mental state that resulted in her eventually being admitted to a psych ward. A troubled past indeed...and one, try as she might, she can never escape.

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