Prologue: The Beginning of the End

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Swiftly, her uncle lifted her up and placed her in the small cubby in the wall. Turquiose crawled further in for protection then looked into the old, weary eyes of her strong uncle. His eyes looked tired but his body stayed aware as he gave his niece a small smile. He was trying to make her feel better but it only made her seven year old mind feel worse. She didn't understand what was going on. All she could hear were the sounds of dogs growling and barking, snarling at each other in a furious fit off chaos.

The pack house was under attack by the rival pack; the Nightfangs. They were fierce and strong. They trained for fights every day to gain strength. Then over powered the Shadow Clan by strength but the Shadow Clan had brains and numbers.

"Promise me something?" Her uncle asked her as a tear ran down his chiseled cheek.

She reached up, grasping his face in her tiny hands. "Anything for you uncle." Her sweet innocent voice made him smile.

But it faded quickly. "Promise me you won't get out of this hole. Promise me you'll stay put? Until me or your father or mother come for you?"

She wanted to listen to him but she was curious. She wanted to know what was going on. But, she nodded, knowing deep down that it was for the best.

"Good girl."

"But only if you promise to return." She leant back down on her ankles and smiled sweetly at her uncle. He was much bigger than her and when she a baby, she feared his size. Now, she loved him picking her up and spinning her around. The thought of him never coming back made her want to cry but she knew if she did, that her rock would cry as well.

He sighed heavily, running a hand over his aging face. "I promise" he said, not looking her in the eyes because he knew it wasn't true.

She beamed as she heard his promise but fear soon covered her mask as yelling erupted in the hallway. "FIND THEM! FIND THE ALPHA CHILD!" They boomed. Her uncle glanced behind him. They sounded close. He planted a kiss on her forehead. His lips warm from stress build up. He stood up to his full 6"3' height and closed the door to the hidden cubby that was camouflaged by a painting of the pack. She heard the lock click into place then she heard nothin

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