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11 years later...

Her huge paws slung up mud as she ran. The ground was soft from the storm last night. The air was musty. But Torquiose was at peace. The birds were out, singing a beautiful tune that echoed in her cone shaped ears. Her silky fur filled with wind that whistled ever so softly. Dodging wide oaks and jumping over fallen trees was the best way to pass the time. Especially when school had been canceled because of a flood warning. It was probably false hope, though. There was no flood coming. It was only a heavy storm that had built up over the last few humid months of summer. But, West Virginia was a mountain state, making rain more serious then it actually was. 

     Her left paw slammed into a mudpuddle, smearing gooey mud all over her beautiful white fur. But she didn't care. It was only temporary. A howl bounced off the trees and caressed her ears. A large black wolf jumped off a small cliff to run along side her. She smiled to herself as he joined. This make wolf was always at her side no matter what. But their history scarred them both...

    'Turquoise, we are late...' He spoke, his voice, though only through thoughts, was strong and firm. Much like her uncles. His side brushed up against hers making her feel warm. 

   'School is out, silly,' she thought in return. 

   He stayed silent for a few seconds before speaking. 'It is not. I just checked.' 

   Turquoise stopped running, skidding to a rough stop. Her claws dug deep into the mud until it snagged a small but tough root. was canceled...wasn't it? Her brown speckled blue eyes meeting his light blue ones. She gave him a questioning look. Her huge head tilted ever so slightly at her rogue beta. His mussel scrunched up at her as if to give her an evil grin but it turned out as a snarl. 

    'Liar.' She growled playfully. 

   He chuckled. 'I'm not lying. We really are late. School wasn't canceled. They lifted it.'

   She snarled at him angrily. 'FANG! I've been up since four AM and now is when you decide to tell me this much needed information?!'

   His the sides of his coal black mussel stretched upward in a wide grin as he turned to run from his rogue Lupa. She growled, running quickly after her best friend she could hear his cackle as she chased him. She could also hear her wolf's laughter inside her head making her feel crazy.

   *What's so funny, Blu? Is my humiliation funny to you as well?* She snarled at her wolf.

   *Yes, it is* Blu replied cockily, her maniacal laughter filling her head.

     Turquoise growled, aggravated at her wolf, she ran faster to catch up with Fang. He flung dirt at her with his padded feet getting it in her eyes. Her wolf's laughter died down. Fang ran up a steep hill to their wooden but warn cabin, shifting as his front paws slapped the first step, and dashed into the house- naked. Turquoise jumped over the three tiny steps, shifting in mid air. Her cotton candy coloured hair bouncing in the breeze. She swung the door open, the old fashioned handle smacking into the wall behind it. He fingers wrapped around the side of the door as she slammed it shut then dashed into her room. Yelling at Fang would have to wait. The "death by school" had started.

   She rushed getting ready, throwing on torn skinny jeans and a baggy hoodie with her name and a white wolf spray painted on it. Then pulled on her DC hightops with blue and pink colours and pulled her cotton candy hair into a messy pony tail. Fang met her at the front door, his hair soppy from a fresh shower and his baggy jeans hanging off his ass. 

   "Ready?" He spoke, pulling a black muscle shirt over his head. A smug grin plastered to his tan face. 

   "HOW DID YOU HAVE TIME TO FUCKING SHOWER?!" She shrieked in surprise as she reached up to pet his wet head. "Ya know what..? Don't care. Let's just go." 

    She hung her head low in disappointment and slung her Supernatural book bag over her shoulder and headed out the door to their car. She heard metal slide on metal as Fang locked the front door. He jingled the keys to their dark blue mustang convertible, knowing that she wanted to drive it. But she had wrecked their last two cars and he wasn't taking any chances with "Flower". He opened the passenger side door for her, letting her slide into place before he closed the door, then got into the drivers seat.

   The car roared to life as he turne the keys. It purred happily like a cat being petted. Or taking a nap on a soft pillow that lay on a window sill to keep it warm. As the engine started, the radio kicked on. Katy Perry was singing "Unconditionally" loudly, almost breaking Turquoise's fragile eardrum. She turned down the volume and looked out the window, watching the mountains and trees roll by. 

   She let her mind wonder off to mysterious places. From when school would let out for Thanksgiving break to what they were having for dinner. Thinking about dinner made her think about when she was little when her mother would cook dinner. The juicy aroma would fill the whole pack house making her mouth water. She would cook delicious foods like baked or fried chicken, mashed potatoes, turkey, sweet potatoes. Maybe even deer if the Zeta pack members were made to go hunt. But deer always turned Turquiose off. She feared that she might be eating Bambi or a member of his family. It terrified her. Thinking of this, she remembered that before every dinner, her and the other pups would play hide and go seek. It had become tradition. 

    Her mom would ring a cow bell loudly, urging the pups to come inside but they never would. Then her mother would call for her daddy and he would come out to gather up the kids. He would find a pup and chase them, laughing and playing with them until he would catch one and put them in the house. He would do this over and over, not losing any energy, until he had all fifteen pups in the house around the kid's table. Or he would sit them in the movie theatre to watch a movie an calm down for the night. 

    All of this made her mind go back to the day that her whole life changed; the war between NightFang and Shadow Clan. No one from her pack survived except her and Fang. Her parents died and her beloved uncle died fighting by their close by their sides. Like a loyal Beta, he shed just as much blood as the others but fought harder to keep the Alphas safe and sound. The Betas had ran to hide the children but they didn't hide them well enough. Their rival's Betas had found them and took them away. Turquiose didn't know what they had done with the young pups but she assumed nothing good. But she hated thinking about what the Shadow Clan did with them. She always pictured them bloodied and battered until they would die. But in all honesty, she truthfully wanted to know what they would of done with her. She's the one that she had wanted. But she didn't know why. And no one would tell a kid why a rival with want with her. Maybe he needed a mate or just wanted to see the blood shed of NightFang Lupa child. She didn't know. There were so many options. 

     She missed her mommy's warm embrace after scrapping her knee or her daddy's warm side against hers while she figures out how to shift. Or her uncle lifting her high up onto his shoulders as she laughs and tries to hold on. But now she was alone. Well, besides Fang and a few friends out of state but they didn't understand what she's gone through. Only Fang did. And she made sure that they didn't feel any sympathy. When they tried to talk about her, switching the subject around to her, she would change the subject to how they were doing over and over so they couldn't fit in any questions about her in the group chat. She would rather be alone with Fang by her side then bring her new friends into her troubled past and unforgiving future. 

   The mustang pulled up to the high school parking lot. The engine seized and a hand was placed on her shoulder. She turned and Fang gave her a toothy grin. He got out of the car and slammed his door shut. Turquiose looked down at her lap and sighed. 

   "Another day in hell..."

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