Phan pt. 1

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An: This was co-written by one of my friends ok enjoy

It was a normal Saturday morning for Dan and phil. Phil was watching free the anime and Dan making breakfast for the both of them. "Hey phil, wanna help me cook" Dan yelled over the bacon Sizzling on the stove. "Sure..why not love" phil replied as he got off the couch and headed to the kitchen. Dan looked perfect in the morning. He had hobbit hair (which was Phils favorite), he had a big white shirt on which looked like a lab coat. He was perfect. The way his lips move when he talks, the way his hips shake when he moves, the flustered face he makes when phil eats him out.

He quickly shook the thoughts from his head and wrapped his arms around the boy. "You know what would be great with breakfast?" Dan asked Phil with a smirk. "What would that be Dan?" Phil replied in an innocent voice. Phil knew exactly where this was going but he wanted to hear Dan say it out loud. "I think you would taste great with breakfast." Phil spun the boy around and leaned in to kiss him. The kiss went from sweet and innocent to fast and full of lust.

Phil pushed Dan against the wall, turning off the stove so the house won't burn down or something. As phil pushed Dan to the wall, he gripped his boyfriends cock and held it tight, earning a moan from Dan. As phil rubbed Dan through the big white shirt he was wearing, he started to suck and bite on his neck. Dan always thought his neck was a g-spot of something but...he loved it when Phils lips were on it.

Phil pulled away from Dan after a few minutes and slid the boys shirt off. He admired Dans body and hungrily rubbed his hands down his body. "You are so beautiful" Phil stated as he led Dan to the counter and lifted him onto it.

"You are to" Dan smiled as phil carried him
To the counter. "Hey...don't you think we should take this to your bedroom or something? I can't grab the oven or something when you are giving me pleasure" Dan asked. Phil just moaned at the thought and Carried Dan to his bedroom, which was the nearest.

Once they arrived at the bed Phil gently sat Dan down. Phil then straddled the boy and took his nipple to his mouth. He could feel Dans hard member under him and he knew he was doing something right when Dan let out a moan. "Oh god Phil" Dan moaned out again as Phil rubbed his self onto Dan.

As phil wrapped his tongue around dans nipple, he tugged at Phils hair. He loved when phil did these things to him. He made him feel like he was the prince of everything. Phil took his tongue off dan and started to go lower on dans body, getting closer and closer to that one part that made Dan crazy.

As Phil neared Dans hipbones he looked up at the boy lovingly. "Are you sure you want to do this" Phil asked in a soft tone "I'm sure" Dan replied and Phil went lower and put the tip of Dan in his mouth slowly.
Dan moaned at the feeling of Phils mouth there. Phil started to rub dans inner thighs as he sucked on him. God Dan felt amazing. It's been a long time since they did this and he felt like he was on top of the world.

After a few minutes, Dans breathing started to stagger and he was getting close. Phil could tell and pulled off of Dan wanting to make this last for as long as it could. Dan let out a whine as he felt Phil's warm mouth leave his erection. "Why'd you stop?" He questioned but Phil ignored his questioning as he went through the drawer looking for lube and a condom.

"Because..I want to make this deserve every piece of pleasure" phil said as he got lube and a condom. Phil took off all his clothes until he was in the same stage as Dan. He put the condom on. "Hey know how you can come more then once?" Phil said in dans ear, biting at it a little.

Dan felt his body get hot when Phil bit at his ear. He enjoyed seeing the sexual side of Phil. "Oh really? I guess we'll just see if it's true." Dan said with a smirk. Excitement coursed through his body as he heard Phil open the bottle of lube.

"Well first I have to tell you what we are gonna do" phil said as he sat on dans hips. "I'll first fuck you, then rim you, then the last one is a surprise.." Phil said. He didn't want to make it to difficult because it was early in the morning.

Dan let out a moan when he heard Phil listing of things he was going to do to him. He was overly excited to find out what the surprise that Phil was talking about was. Phil looked up at Dan "Are you ready, I'm going to prep you since its been awhile". Dan nodded and Phil looked back down to grab the lube.

Phil opened the lube and put some on his fingers. After about a minute of Phil preparing his fingers, Dan got inpatient. "Hurry phil!" Dan groaned.

"Impatient are we?" Phil asked and pulled his fingers out. "Well if you're ready I am." Phil put a generous amount of lube of his hand and lathered his self up. He positioned his body between the boys legs, lining his erection up with dans hole and slowly pushing in. Dan cried out and squeezed Phil's hand hardly.

" hurts" Dan moaned. Him and phil only did this once or twice and he never felt this much in pain before. "It's okay baby..ill guide you though it" phil said as he started to thurst a little. He didn't want to hurt Dan.

Phil continued to thrust in little by little. Dan let out a loud moan. "Shit Phil do that again." Phil thrusted into the boy again and got a moan in response.

"Did I hit the right spot?" Phil said in dans ear, to make it more difficult for him not to come
Then in there. "Yes that again!" Dan moaned even louder as phil pushed into him

"Go faster." Dan pleaded and Phil thrusted as fast as he could into Dan. The room was filled with moans and heavy breathing of the two boys. Dan changed their position straddling the boy and started to bounce on Phil.

"Oh my god Daniel" phil moaned as he felt Dan get on top of him. "Go faster" phil now pleaded. Dan screamed out as he felt phil hit that little spot that drives him insane.

Dan went as fast as he could on the boy below him. Phil let out a loud moan. The sound of their skin slapping together made Dan want to go faster than he already was.

"I'm close." Phil said with a loud moan. Dan started to grind onto the boy and he let out a moan.

As Dan bounced one more time, he felt a hot substance inside him, which made him cum. The substance was Phils cum.

Dan let out a loud moan and Phil started to sloppily thrust into him, riding out their highs with heavy breathing. Dan was over sensitive now but the feeling of Phil inside of him was worth it.

"Now are you ready for more?" Phil said as he lied Dan back on the mattress and got back on top of him.

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