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"We are the new Americana, high off legal Marijuana, raised on Biggie and Nirvana" -Halsey


"BROOKLYN!" Wes yelled.

"BROOKLYN ITS 8 FREAKIN O'CLOCK! YOUR GONNA GET YOURSELF ME AND SAMMY LATE!" he yelled once again this time beginning to bang on my door, and after hearing those words I almost jumped 5 meters off my bed and into the air.

"I'll be right there!" I spoke before entering the bathroom to begin my daily hygiene routine.

I brushed my teeth, remembering to floss and then continued to wash and cleanse my face. Once I had finished, I made my way over to my vanity to begin my daily makeup routine, although I wasn't too heavy when it came to makeup, I still enjoyed adding a little glow to my face. I applied some concealer to just cover-up my dark under-eye circles, and then continued adding eyeliner but aiming for a more dramatic wing, with of course mascara and to finish off the look, I applied my favourite Kate Spade nude lipstick, as for my hair I kept it open and straightened it slightly on the ends..

And then came the hardest decision a woman has to make in her day, the outfit.

After several minutes, my indecisive-self chose a casual but bold outfit, it consisted of my black shirt with the white Adidas logo imprinted on it and with it I decided to tie my favourite red and blue flannel around my waist with a pair of slightly destressed blue jeans and my favourite Nike Air Max 90 essential. Grabbing my bag I exited my room.

"Hey mom," I said as she was preparing breakfast in the kitchen.

"Hey sweetie, why are you up so early?" She replied.

"Early... huh?" I questioned confused to as what she meant.

"Brooklyn, it's 7:15," She said pointing to the wall clock.

Wes you are screwed.

"Ugh, Wes woke me up claiming it was 8, gosh I am gonna kill that little twerp." I spoke in a sturdy tone.

My mother just laughed handing me a granola bar and my favourite kale smoothie for breakfast. I quickly kissed her cheek and made my way to Wes' room.

"8 huh?" I asked, grabbing his game controller out of his hand.

"I mean it was worth a laugh the way you jumped out of bed," he smirked, trying to jump up to grab his controller out of my hands.

As I wasn't the tallest person in the world, he was successful and snatched it out of my hand before I was able to throw it across the room.

"I hope you had a good laugh because you're walking to school today." I replied in the sassiest tone.

"Ugh what is wrong with you two? I just woke up from both of your arguing," Sammy spoke deciding to join the party.

"Just get ready and meet me in my car," I spoke, exiting my younger brother's room along with Sammy.

Although it was only 7:30, it never hurt to arrive to school earlier.

I was thankful I only had one class today, Business and Securities in Law.

Law happened to not only be my favourite subject but also my future occupation. Although growing up I went through the 'changing my adulthood career often' phase, becoming a Lawyer has always intrigued me. Growing up with very successful parents did impact such a high standard job, but my overall average was just perfect for me to peruse this career.

I attended the University Of Toronto, which conveniently happened to be just a bit less than a 35 minute drive from my house.

"Brooklyn, why is Wes walking? You were supposed to drive him today," Mom spoke.

"No way, I am not dropping him! You saw what he did this morning," I replied sternly.

"Brooklyn," she spoke agitated.

"Ugh fine," I muttered.

It's always the youngest born who get what they want. Wes could be a total ass sometimes and complaining to my parents was always useless because he was the youngest, and the youngest always have it easy.

Maybe I did over exaggerate on the entire, 'walking to school' thing but he deserved it, clearly. I like my sleep, never would I sacrifice my sleep for anyone or anything, in this case.

"I'll just pick you up in front twerp," I yelled low enough just for my voice to be echoed through the first floor, and not the second, where his bedroom was.

"I thought I wasn't getting a ride," He spoke back quickly making his way out of his room and downstairs.

Shit, he heard.

"Hurry before I change my mind," I scoffed.


SO SORRY FOR THE WAIT! honestly i was like trying to update but i was really bust with school gosh

this is a very short chapter because i couldn't really add on but the next chap will have our boy justin and will be long!!!

2 UPDATES THIS WEEK TO MAKE UP FOR IT!! *one tomorrow and other will be on saturday*

also it would be much more motivating if you guys commented or voted :3

also happy late eid to any of my muslim readers! :)

thanks for reading!


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