Chapter 1: Coming to Camp Half-Blood

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Let me tell you story. It's how my sister and I got to camp. You see we aren't like any humans, we are also demigods. We were traveling with three others. Two boys, and one girl. There names Luke, Grover, and Annabeth. My sister was the oldest one. Next to her was Luke, the boy I had the biggest crush on. Then there was me, then Grover, and last Annabeth. We were all running for our lives, running from these horrible monsters that wanted us dead, we were running to be safe. The only place that can provide that was a camp. Camp Half-Blood, it's a camp for demigods like us, where we will learn to train and fight. We were almost there until a tree hit the ground and crushed Grover's foot. I remember my sister telling us to go, that she will hold the monsters off, I tried pleading her to stay with us afraid of what would happen. Thalia ran off to fight the monster, me being able to do nothing except have a few tears role out of my eyes. "Be safe" I whispered into the air. Thalia did her best but couldn't fight the horrible monster on her own. The horrible monster threw her across the woods. "No. Thalia!" I tried to run after her but was held back by Luke. "Luke I have to save her, please" I pleaded him to let me go. "Please she wouldn't  want you to go after her and get yourself hurt" he said pulling me into his chest. I noticed that where my sister laid, dying she was starting to transform into a pine tree. Then this blue barrier started to transfer and the monster that came towards us couldn't cross it. I got a good look at the monsters face. It was a face a I could never forget.  I only remember that Luke dragged me into the camp that day. Ever since then I always went to the tree to talk to her, and place flowers around her. I became mute for almost six months but Luke, Annabeth, and Grover were there to help me, but I only let Luke help more than the others. But letting Luke in was probably one of the best and worst things in my demigod life.

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