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"Are you coming to my place today?" Ryan asked. I pushed the lunch doors opened as some nerds scurried away. "Why?" I asked. "Well, it was kinda fun when you came over yesterday." Ryan answered rubbing his neck as he looked at his Adidas sneakers.

I tugged on my sweater sleeve nervously as I looked down at my black Uggs. "How is your mom?" I asked. Ryan took a deep shaky breath as he lowered his voice. "She's holding up. My dad is staying at a hotel for a while."

"That's good." I replied. "So are you coming over?" Ryan asked a little aggressive.

"Coming over where?" Peyton appeared in front of us. She had her hands on her awfully small waist as she held her head up high. Ryan rolled his eyes. "My house." He replyed. "Oh, did she get the job to become your little sex toy?" She battered her eyelashes sweetly. I rolled my eyes and snorted. "No sweetie, you already have that position, you remember." I replied. Peyton gasped.

"Ryan don't let that fool talk to me like that!" Peyton exclaimed. Ryan chuckled as he shook his head. "Let's go get lunch Harp." He said as he grabbed my waist as I let out a small gasp.

We walked toward to lunch line. "Maybe I will come ov-" I stopped at my tracks as I felt a hot gooey substance sliding down slowly down my back. I turned around and looked at Peyton, who's hands were covered with mashed potatoes as she had a triumphant smile.
I clenched my jaw as I ignored Ryan's warnings. I grabbed someone's lunch tray and threw it directly at Peyton. I heard everyone's gasps turned into chuckles as they witnessed a slice of pizza stuck on her white low v-neck. "FOOD FIGHT!!" A freshman yelled as he threw greenbeans at a girl next to him.

Ten seconds later, the whole lunch room was throwing food at each other. I playfully gasped as Ryan threw raspberries at me. I took a handful of spaghetti and threw it at him. Even the lunch ladies joined in. Gold Agnus, the middle aged lunch lady who had long blond locks that looked gold, took a pot of green beans and dumped it on Cole.

All the fun stopped when Peyton came at me. I slipped on milk as Peyton slipped on top of me slapping me across my face. "You ass!" I screamed. I grabbed her wrist and twisted it as I rolled on top of her and punched her against her cheek. I punched her on my arm and continued. "This" punch. "Is" punch. "For" punch. "Middle" punch. "SCHOOL!" PUNCH. I punched her as hard as I can and she whimpered. Everyone gasped as I heard "Oh no's".

I looked up, only to see the school's principal, Mr.Hill standing next the doorway fuming.


"Oh hey Bethany." I casually greeted as I crossed my legs. "I heard what happened." She snapped. "Peyton is so pissed, i-"

"Of course, Peyton." I scoffed as I rolled my eyes. "What do you mean?" Bethany asked. "Don't SAY you don't know what I mean! Every time when something happens to Peyton you always have to be there no matter how much shit she drags you through!" I snapped.

"She makes me-" Bethany tried to say. "Just like she made you make out with my brother right?" I looked over at Bethany's face who instantly turned pale. I smirked and shook my head as she tried to say something but no words came out. "When were you going to tell me? When Bethany?" I said.

I got up from the bench next to the principal's office as the freshman who yelled "food fight" come out of the lunchroom. I gave him a high five as I walked past him and walked into the office only to see Peyton sitting in one of his chairs across from his desk. "He said to sit down until he comes." Peyton said. I cautiolly took the seat next to Peyton and looked straight ahead. I wasn't here trying to socialize with the enemy. I was here to socialize with my good old friend Mr.Hill who just walked in with his angry face.

"Hey Mr.Hill!" I greeted with a wide smile. He sat down and looked me then at Peyton then at me then slammed his fist down the desk making Peyton and I jump up. "I'm sick and tired of you guys fighting!" He yelled.

"Then it's simple, expell Harper, she's done enough damage in this school anyway." Peyton suggested shrugging as she tapped her nails on the desk. "Bitch!" I sneered at her.

Mr.Hill cleared his throat. "I have thought of your punishment."

I rolled my eyes. "What is it?" I sighed and sunk back into my chair. "I was thinking about you guys cleaning the whole lunchroom-" he started until he got interruptted by our groans.

"But someone hired a cleaning crew. Tell Ryan thanks when you come out my office." Mr.Hill said as he tapped his pen.
Ryan ordered a cleaning crew for us? Maybe for Peyton. I knew he wasn't gonna let go of her. "So what's our punishment?" I asked.

"Detention for three days, both of you guys, alone in a room. You guys will learn how to get along." Mr.Hill said.

"What?" Peyton and I blurted out. "I'd rather scratch my eyes out!" Peyton exclaimed. "I'd do the same Peyton." I snarled at her.

"You see! You guys are already agreeing on the same things, so don't forget, detention ends at 4:30. If you don't show up, you will get a week added on." Mr.Hill said.

I groaned as I got up and stormed out the room. I can't believe I have detention with the devil.

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