Chapter Eleven

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A/N: I haven't given up on you yet! My greatest apologies for this super late update.... With that in mind, I may not have the best memory and if something happens that's inconsistent with what's already happened, please let me know! Without further ado, chapter 11...

Carol's P.O.V

Shock flows through my mind but I suddenly realize that I couldn't be farther from caring. With that, I lightly press my lips into his with more force. All I can think about is him and how much I want this right now. And I don't even know why. I'm just getting into this whole thing when the pressure on the other side is pulled back and I fall forward. Again, right into his arms.

"Seems like you're always falling for me, aren't you?" He chuckled, helping me back onto my own two feet.

"Wow, Darren... That was..."

"I hope so. Since we didn't get a chance to practice the kiss scene for the musical yet, I thought it might be a good idea."

My smile quickly faded. "Oh, right. That was a good idea..." Okay, think fast Carol. What is a good excuse for kissing him back when you had no idea that it meant nothing to him? I catch a glimpse of a clock on the wall and think of probably the most generic thing ever. "Oh. Is that the time?! Darn it, I have to go."

His expression changed immediately, to a look of... what kind of look is that? Worry? Whatever it was, it would have definitely glued me to my spot if this little situation had not just occurred. "Already?"

"Yeah..." I muttered, looking down at the ground. "I left my phone at home." Lie. "And my mom wanted me to text her every night before 10:00." Lie. "You know, because she cares about me..." Complete lie. "And wants to make sure I'm safe since she's not with me."

"Oh... Well, then I can drive you home." He offered. My head screamed danger and I began to head for the door.

"Thanks... but I think I'll walk..."

"There she goes again." He said quietly, but just loud enough for me to hear.

I stop in my tracks, turning my head. "Sorry, what?"

"It's just that you can't go running away every single time something gets uncomfortable for you!" He explained, without a slight hint of hesitation.

He was right. Terribly, terribly right. "Can't I?" I softly respond, then storm out of the door quickly.

* * *

I definitely regretted all of those times that I complained for having to walk just a few miles to get home from school. It didn't happen often, but when it did I was not happy.

It was past midnight when I finally arrived at the house. I went straight up to my room, grabbing all the blankets I could possibly find. It was freezing in here, so I didn't wait to turn on the heater as well.

Grabbing a package of red vines (which didn't help one bit with getting my mind off of this, but, what the hell) I curled up on my bed and finally let myself bawl my eyes out freely. In all honesty, I had no reason to cry. All he-who-shall-not-be-named did was practice for a play and speak his mind.

The loud doorbell caused me to jump, almost falling off of my bed. Once I caught my breath, I went to get up, but ended up not moving an inch. Whoever it was could wait until the morning. I really didn't want anyone to see me like this.

"Keeping a key to your house under your mat is not only stupid, but also very generic. Be creative, loser!" Suddenly said a familiar voice.

"Lauren?!" I turned my head and sure enough, two brunettes stood in my doorway. "Meredith? I'm not sure whether to lecture you on the crime of breaking and entering or to just be happy to see you!" I exclaimed.

They immediately made their way over and sat down on my bed next to me.

"So we heard what happened." Lauren said, not bothered to change the subject. "We're here for you if you need us."

I looked up and found myself making eye contact with Meredith. Her eyes genuinely seemed filled with worry. "You okay?" She asked.

"Yeah, Mer. Thanks a lot, guys." I smiled and held out the half-eaten package of candy. "Red vine?"

They both took one and began munching on them immediately.

"So please tell us you're not bailing on AVPM."

"WHAT DID SHE SAY?!" I suddenly heard a voice from downstairs scream. It sounded an awful lot like Joey's so I assumed it was. Another person is just what I needed.

"SHE HASN'T ANSWERED YET!" Lauren screamed back.

"Is everyone in my house?!" I rolled my eyes for emphasis.

"Just Joey. He didn't have his car for some reason but we made him wait downstairs." Mer explained, giving me a warm smile.

"So?" Lauren added.

"I... well... it wouldn't be right to ditch you guys with this much short notice..." I began. They both beamed and nodded quickly.

"Great. Come on, we're dropping Joey off and then we're having a sleepover at my house." Lauren said.

With a lot of reluctance, they finally managed to get me up out of my blanket coat. We joined Joey downstairs and left prior to a quick wave given in Joey's direction.

The car ride wasn't awkward at all, fortunately. Meredith sat in the back with Joey so that I could sit in the front, with Lauren of course driving. And we just sang AVPM songs the whole time. And for once, I felt like I was at home. My real home.



Well, there ya go! Again, sorry for the really long wait. Hopefully this long-ish chapter can kind of make up for it. Half of it was just kind of... like filler-ish so sorry about that.

Gosh my admin noted are always so darn long.

Love you all.


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09, 2016 ⏰

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